Small Business Development Center

Welcome to your North Central Idaho Small Business Development Center

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For no-cost business consulting and coaching services.


About the Idaho SBDC

The Idaho Small Business Development Center (“Idaho SBDC”) is a United States Small Business Administration (“SBA”) Resource Partner. We further the mission of the SBA by providing confidential, one-on-one, no-cost business consulting and coaching services and low-cost or no-cost workshops, training, and educational programs. 

We assist small businesses at any stage of their lifecycle: established small businesses, start-up businesses, pre-venture entrepreneurs, and so forth.

We offer comprehensive, individualized business advising to promote growth and expansion, address problems and challenges, and improve strategy, operations, management, and productivity—supporting business success at any stage of the entrepreneurial journey.   

The following includes some of the consulting and coaching topics we cover: business plans, buying a business, capital access, cash flow management, cash flow projections, customer relations, cybersecurity, e-commerce, exporting, funding, growing sales, human resources, managing a business, market research, marketing, marketing plans, running a business, selling a business, social media, starting a business, strategic planning, technology, turnaround, valuation, and much more. 

To learn more, please visit us at the following website: Homepage - SBDC Idaho (full URL:

To learn more about the North Central Idaho SBDC Office, please visit us at the following website: Regional Center - North Central Idaho - SBDC Idaho (full URL:

Important Notice

The Idaho SBDC is funded by the United States Small Business Administration, the State of Idaho, and host institutions of higher education. 

We do not offer legal services, legal advice, tax services, or tax advice.  For any legal/tax questions, issues, or advice, please contact a qualified attorney and/or certified public accountant.

We do not recommend or endorse any product, service, or entity.  Please conduct due diligence before you make a business decision or before you use or purchase any product or service, including by talking to qualified professionals, such as a qualified attorney or certified public accountant.

The Idaho SBDC is an equal opportunity employer. Services are provided on a non-discriminatory basis.  Reasonable accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities if requested at least two weeks in advance.  Language assistance is available to those with limited English proficiency.  To request an accommodation or language assistance, please contact our Regional Director by telephone at 208-792-2465 or by email at

For additional information, please visit the following websites:
Small business development center logo

Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA. SBA's participation or support is not an endorsement of any product, service, or entity.
