Plans and Procedures
Planning and preparation are important keys to ensuring your own safety and the safety of those around you. Here, discover what you can to do plan and prepare for emergencies. Visit the LC State Emergency Response Procedures and Hazard Information document to review specific emergency action procedures and hazard information.
The LC State Emergency Response Plan can be read in its entirety on the campus intranet. For additional information how you can prepare for emergencies, visit www.ready.gov.
LC State Emergency Evacuation Procedures. Evacuation plans specific to buildings on campus can be found on the Intranet.
Fires can start anywhere and spread quickly. It is important to know in advance what to do in case of a fire. Treat all fire alarms as warning of an actual emergency, become familiar with your building evacuation plan, and know where the designated assembly point is located for your building. A list of Building Safety Coordinators and Building Evacuation Plans can be found on the campus intranet.
In case of medical emergency, call 911 (9-911 from campus telephones) or Campus Security at (208) 792-2815. Be prepared to provide information about your location including the building name, address, office and floor number, and they type of apparent injury. Remain on scene and provide information about the incident to first responders.
Severe Weather Watch: severe weather is possibly approaching
Severe Weather Warning: approaching severe weather is an immediate threat.
- If you are outside, seek shelter immediately
- Stay away from windows
- Call (208) 792-5272 for information on campus closures
- Visit: weather.gov for more information
Run. Hide. Fight. Though rare, active shooter events are unpredictable and evolve quickly. Individuals who survive an active shooter event generally have a "survival mentality." View the video at the bottom of this page for more information on how to survive an active shooter event.
If you see something, say something. Always report unusual or suspicious activity on campus to Campus Security at (208) 792-2815 or dial 911 (9-911 from campus landlines).
Generally, with any suspicious letter or package:
- DO NOT shake, sniff, or excessively handle the item.
- DO NOT remove it from the place you found it. If possible, cover or enclose the item in plastic and notify emergency officials.
- WASH YOUR HANDS with soap and warm water immediately.
What constitutes "suspicious" mail? (Any one, or a combination, of the following factors):
- Excessive postage
- From someone totally unfamiliar to you (the office) and completely unexpected
- No return address, or, addressed to someone no longer in the office
- Handwritten or very poorly typed
- Restrictive endorsements such as, "Personal" or "Confidential"
- Protruding wires, strange odors, or stains
- City or State postmark that does not match return address
- Excessive tape, string, sealing
- Unusual weight for an envelope of that size
Who to call if a letter or package is identified as "suspicious"?
- Police - Dial 911 (9-911 from a campus landline)
- Campus Security - (208) 792-2815
- Physical Plant - (208) 792-2247
Any person receiving a bomb threat should remain calm and attempt to obtain as much information as possible from the caller using the Bomb Threat Checklist.
If the threat is immediate, evacuate the building unless otherwise directed by LCSC or government officials. Dial 911 from the nearest telephone (9-911 from campus landlines).
If you see any unusual or suspicious items, report it to emergency response personnel. Do not touch, tamper with, or move suspicious objects, or confront persons acting suspiciously.
In the event of an electrical power shortage or outage, immediately contact Physical Plant at (208) 792-2247. For communications/automated data processing problems, call IT at (208) 792-2231.
Alert people in the immediate area, evacuate, and call 911. Contact Campus Security as soon as it is safe to do so.
Advise emergency responders if anyone has inhaled, had skin or eye contact, or ingested any hazardous substance. Save the container or warning labels if it is safe to do so.
In the event of an earthquake, there are specific actions you should take depending on whether you are indoors or outside. Stay calm. Your greatest threat is from falling objects, electrical power lines and gas lines.
If you are indoors: Drop! Cover! Hold On!
If you are outside: Move to a clear area if you can safely do so; avoid power lines, trees, signs, buildings, vehicles, and other hazards. If you are in a vehicle, stop as soon as possible away from objects that may fall and stay in the vehicle.
As you move throughout your day, be vigilant and take notice of your surroundings. Report suspicious items or activities to local authorities immediately.