Special Awards and Honors
Gertrude Mellen Dick Award:
The Gertrude Mellen Dick Award recognizes the student graduating with the highest cumulative grade point average, where at least 75% of their academic work was completed at LC State.
Abbey Roy
President's Award:
The President's award recognizes a member of the graduating class for their outstanding contribution to the college, the student's division, fellow classmates, and the community.
Marcus Gavelin
Provost's Award:
Recipients of the Provost's Award are selected from graduating students who have earned the majority of their degree credits through the LCSC Coeur d'Alene Center or online delivery, have at least a 3.5 GPA, and are actively involved in the community.
Johanna Soderberg
Division Graduate Awards:
Business - Marcus Gavelin
Business Technology & Service - Olivia Baldwin
Humanities - Laura Diaz Perez
Movement & Sport Sciences - McKayla Austin
Natural Sciences & Mathematics - Abbey Roy
Nursing & Health Sciences - Meghanne deNecochea
Social Sciences - Jason Batacan-Wilson
Teacher Education - Victoria Lacy
Technical & Industrial - Whitney Suarez
Coeur d'Alene Outstanding Alumni:
Amy Ward, Kootenai Health
Faculty Awards:
Adjunct Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence:
Tracy Adkins Nursing & Health Sciences Division
President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching:
Lonny Gehring, Technical & Industrial Division
Spencer Payton, Natural Sciences & Mathematics Division
Rachel Kaitz, Business Division
Dr. Cameron & Marilyn Hinman Employee Excellence Award:
Chelsea Cronin, Nursing & Health Sciences Division
Lauren Nichols, Social Sciences Division
Annice Edmundson Faculty Excellence Award:
Ayodeji Arogundade, Business Division
Jennifer James, Business Technology & Service Division
Manee Moua, Social Sciences Division
LCSC Foundation Award for Outstanding Faculty Member:
Jennifer Anderson, Humanities Division
Fernandez Faculty Excellence Award:
Leif Hoffman, Social Sciences Division
Gene Straughan, Social Sciences Division
President’s Award for Excellence in Diversity and Cross-Cultural Understanding:
Joyce McFarland, Nez Perce Tribe Education Manager
Physical Plant Service Award:
Wayne Bolon
Staff Awards:
Professional Staff Award for Excellence:
Loralee Ohrtman, Natural Sciences & Mathematics Division
Classified Staff of the Year:
Summer Kibbe, Testing Center
ASLCSC Awards:
CTE Instructor of the Year Recipient:
Mike Owens
Four-Year Academic Instructor of the Year Recipient:
Dr. Rhett Diessner
Student Leadership Award Recipient:
Lacey Schmidt