Student Retention Rate

The full-time retention rate is the percent of the fall full-time bachelor's-seeking cohort from the prior year that re-enrolled at the institution as either full-or part-time in the current year.

This data comes from the IPEDS data files, ef[academic year]D (ex. ef2022D), that contains data on the total entering class, first-year retention rates and the student-to-faculty ratio.

  • Variable:
    • ret_pcf: Full-time retention rate for the academic year.

If you would like to see our retention rates grouped on the criteria:

  • First Generation Status:
    • A student is first generation if neither of their parents/guardians have completed a bachelor's degree.
  • Pell Eligibility: 
    • The primary factor for Pell eligibility is financial need, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • Age:
    • For the purposes of this report, we group our students into two categories by age.
      • Adult Learner: A student who 25 years old or above.
      • Non Adult Learner: A student who is younger than 25 years old.

Click the links below. The data for the following reports comes from our 2022 Fall Census freeze.

Contact Information


Institutional Research & Effectiveness

Administration Building 6

500 8th Avenue

Lewiston, Idaho 83501