Early Childhood Special Education
Learn how to create new opportunities for K-12 students with special and individual needs.
The Early Childhood Special Education minor prepares you to work with young children with special and individual needs in early childhood settings. This program prepares generalists, not specialists, in any one area. Students interested in this minor will need to integrate the special education courses into their program and complete a 6-credit internship. Courses should be taken in order listed. This minor does not lead to endorsement in K-12 Special Education.
Related Careers
• Special education teacher, $70,110
• Special education preschool teacher, $69,620
• Residential/mental health facilities, $47,500
• Special ed child day care services, $61,400
Career data and salary information is from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
“LC State was a great school to be at as I worked toward getting my minor in special education. The classes I took have been beneficial to me as I have started my first job as a special education teacher. I think one of the best features of the program is the internship portion. While you can learn so much from textbooks and in a class, being put in a special education classroom with an experienced special education teacher is the best way to learn the ropes of special education." - Stephanie Roeper ‘18
Contact Information
Admissions Office
Reid Centennial Hall 114
500 8th Avenue
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
- 208-792-2378
- 800-933-5272 ext. 2378 (toll free)
- 208-792-2876 (fax)
- admissions@lcsc.edu
- Mon-Fri, 8:00 - 5:00
Teacher Education & Mathematics Division
Spalding Hall 114
500 8th Avenue
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
- 208-792-2260
- 208-792-2820 (fax)
- education@lcsc.edu
- Mon-Fri, 8:00 - 5:00