Reasons for picking up a minor are myriad. While job requirements seldomly call for a minor in something explicitly, they will frequently though use language like "familiarity with".

A minor signals to a prospective employer that you have concrete expertise in area beyond your primary field of specialization and might have the ability to communicate with a diverse group of people; a skill highly coveted in today's job market. It further demonstrates a certain level of initiative and persistence through the fact of having had to complete multiple projects simultaneously.

In other words, a minor is concrete proof of a specific level of achievement beyond any stated interest. It adds to your breath of understanding. A minor thus has the potential to provide you with an edge over your competitors in the job market while complementing or counterbalancing your main area of study.

Anthropology                             Behavioral Science

Environmental Studies              Global Studies

History                                       Justice Studies

Middle School Social Studies    Native American Studies

Pre-Law Minor                           Political Psychology

Political Science                         Psychology

Social Science                            Sociology   

Women's & Gender Studies

