Scholarships & Financial Aid
Financial Aid
Most financial aid, including loans, grants, and scholarships, can go with you when you study away as long as the following criteria are met:
- You must be full time each semester you study away. This is a stipulation of study away whether you receive financial aid or not.
- All classes you take at a host institution must count toward your degree—this includes CORE classes, major classes, and electives.
- You must continue to meet any GPA requirements that apply to your financial aid at LC State.
It is recommended that you meet with the financial aid office about any specific aid you hope to receive while away so you have a clear idea of how much, and what, financial aid you are eligible for in your situation.
LC State Scholarships
Scholarships are a great way to help offset any additional costs of studying away. Below are resources to help you find scholarships for studying away.
LC State offers two scholarships (amount varies) for students who plan to study a foreign language in another country. Applicants should have completed at least a year of college-level foreign language, have a 2.75 GPA, and be of sophomore standing.
LC State Scholarship Deadlines
Mar 31Fall Semester
Oct 30Spring/Summer Semesters