Articulation and Transfer Policies
Transfer Policies and Procedures
Learn more about LC State's Transfer Policies and Procedures
Idaho State Board of Education Articulation Policy
In an effort to ensure that post-secondary education is consistent and comprehensive at all state colleges and universities, the Idaho State Board of Education has established the following academic expectations for transferring credits and obtaining a baccalaureate degree. The Board also adopted consistent course numbering, effective in 1996, that identifies lower-division courses of similar content by the same course numbers and titles. The lower division general education core requirement must fit within the following credit and course requirements and must have a minimum of thirty six (36) credit hours.
- English Composition: 1 course (3-6 credits, depending upon initial placement results). In meeting this goal, students must be able to express themselves in clear, logical, and grammatically correct written English. Up to six (6) credits may be exempt by ACT, SAT, Compass, AP, CLEP or other institution accepted testing procedure.
- Communications: 1 course (2 credits). Coursework in this area enhances students’ ability to communicate clearly, correctly, logically, and persuasively in spoken English. Disciplines: Speech, Rhetoric, and Debate.
- Mathematics: 1 course (3 credits). Coursework in this area is intended to develop logical reasoning processes; skills in the use of space, numbers, symbols, and formulas; and the ability to apply mathematical skills to solve problems. Disciplines: College Algebra, Calculus, Finite Mathematics, and Statistics.
- Humanities, Fine Arts, and Foreign Language: 2 courses (6 credits). Coursework in this area provides instruction in: (1) the creative process; (2) history and aesthetic principles of the fine arts; (3) philosophy and the arts as media for exploring the human condition and examining values; and (4) communication skills in a foreign language. Disciplines: Art, Philosophy, Literature, Music, Drama/Theater, and Foreign Language.
- Natural Science: 2 courses (7 credits). Coursework in this area: (1) provides an understanding of how the biological and physical sciences explain the natural world and (2) introduces the basic concepts and terminology of the natural sciences. Disciplines: Biology, Chemistry, Physical Geography, Geology, and Physics. Note: Courses may be distributed over two (2) different disciplines and must have at least one (1) accompanying laboratory experience.
- Behavioral and Social Science: 2 courses (6 credits). Coursework in this area provides instruction in: (1) the history and culture of civilization; (2) the ways political and/or economic organizations, structures and institutions function and influence thought and behavior; and (3) the scientific method as it applies to social science research. Disciplines: Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology. Note: Courses must be distributed over two (2) different disciplines.
Washington State Community Colleges Transfer Policy
Research conducted into the curriculum taken for Academic Associate Degrees earned at all Washington State Community Colleges, after 2010, determine that students earning the appropriate degree will be granted lower core completion at Lewis‐Clark State College.
The research was based upon information gathered from Walla Walla Community College, Spokane Falls, and Spokane Community College. If a student receives an Associate of Arts‐DTA* or an Associate of Science‐DTA* then the student will be coded lower general education core complete. Any other associate degrees will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis for lower-core completion.
Find information on Walla Walla Community College and Spokane Community Colleges.
If you have further questions, please contact the Admissions Office at (208) 792‐2378 or the Transcript Evaluator at (208) 792‐2223.
Transcripts are legal documents, and as such, once they are received they become the property of the college and cannot be copied, returned, or forwarded to the applicant/student. Course equivalency guides are subject to change.
Oregon Education Transfer Policy
Students attending accredited Oregon institutions who complete a (A.S.O.T) Associates of Science Oregon Transfer or (A.A.O.T) Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer will be considered lower general education core complete. Any other associate degrees will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis for lower-core completion.