
The Testing Center hours during Spring Break, 3/28/22 - 4/1/22, will be 7:30am to 5pm Monday-Friday.

Testing Information and Forms

LC State Faculty teaching a fully online or hybrid class can use the Testing Center and its services for proctored exams.  The Testing Center will work with distance students to find an approved proctor and get the testing information to the approved proctor. 

*The Testing Center does not proctor entire face-to-face class exams, (ex. section 01 classes)*

Please submit the Online/Hybrid Proctored Exam Submission Form for all your proctored exams within the first two weeks of the semester.

Online/Hybrid Proctored Exam Submission Form

If a student is going to miss or has missed an exam in your face-to-face class due to illness, athletics, or other reasons you can send them to the Testing Center to makeup this exam. 

The cover sheet must be on file with the Testing Center before students will be allowed to schedule an appointment.  Please remind your students they must contact the Testing Center to schedule an appointment.

Paper exams can be emailed or hand delivered to the Testing Center.

On Campus Makeup Cover Sheet

The Testing Center proctors all quizzes and exams for students with approved testing accommodations.

Each semester students will give you a Faculty Notification Form, which will indicate all of their approved accommodations, including testing accommodations.

Students will schedule their exam for the same day and time as the class is testing, unless they have back to back classes that interfere with their extended testing time.

Instructors will get an email 2-3 business days before the students appointment.  This email will include the date and time the student has scheduled, which exam is scheduled, and a link to the On Campus Accommodation Testing Cover Sheet if it is not already on file.

Paper exams can be hand delivered or emailed.

On Campus Accommodation Testing Exam Cover Sheet