The Basics
Purchases at LC State are made with either a P-Card or a Purchase Order. The purchase method is determined by dollar amount, and solicitations (competitive bidding) may be required.
Review the Purchasing Procedure Manual for details.
See Procurement Method Determination for a summary of the purchasing methods.
Using a P-Card
To facilitate efficient purchasing and payment, P-Cards are required to be used for all purchases of $100 or less. We also highly encourage P-Cards to be used for all purchases of $1,999 or less, with the exception of the Jaggaer Punchout Vendors (see Jaggaer site).
Some purchases are not permitted on the P-Card. See the P-Card Procedure Manual for details.
Using a Purchase Order
Enter a requisition in Jaggaer. When the requisition has been approved, a Purchase Order will be transmitted to the vendor. There is no need to obtain a PO number beforehand; if you've been corresponding with a company, let them know that the Purchase Order will be sent to them.
If you have not been given access to Jaggaer, contact Purchasing for training.
Statewide Contracts and Jaggaer Punchouts
If the good or service is available on a statewide contract or through a Jaggaer Punchout, you must utilize that contract. If there are multiple vendors, select the vendor with the best price, delivery or quality. Exemptions may be approved. See the Exemption Request Form on the Purchasing Forms website.
Purchases over $2,000 (but under $20,000) require that all approvals be completed in Jaggaer prior to ordering. When all of the approvals have been obtained, the Purchase Order will be transmitted automatically to the vendor.
Purchases made with federal (sponsored) funds expected to cost $10,000 or more require solicitation of quotes. Contact Purchasing with questions.
Purchases of $20,000 and greater generally require a solicitation process (competitive bidding).
Review the Procurement Method Determination document for more details and contact Purchasing with any questions.
To start the solicitation process, please complete the following two steps:
1. Complete the Solicitation Checklist
2. Enter a requisition in Jaggaer in order to secure all necessary approvals. Select the vendor name "Solicitation" and enter the estimated one-year cost of the purchase.
An exemption to competitive bidding or a sole source determination may be requested. See the following forms for details:
Here is a breakdown of the steps required to make a purchase via a Purchase Order, and the estimated timeframe from initiation of order to payment of invoice.
See Disposal of Property page
To confirm if your vendor should be paid as an Independent Contractor, contact the Controller's Office.
- How to Enter Independent Contractor Payment (ICP) Requests
- Jaggaer allows you to enter the ICP request prior to any work being done.
- A Purchase Order will be sent to the Independent Contractor.
- When the services have been rendered, you will issue a Receipt (see below) to facilitate payment.
- If you need to enter a new Independent Contract vendor, see the Jaggaer Resources page with instructions on completing a Supplier Request in Jaggaer.
If you have further questions, please contact Purchasing or the Controller's Office.
Some vendors may require us to complete a credit application before they will allow a direct billing arrangement.
- Departments are not authorized to complete or sign any credit application.
- Please forward these requests to Purchasing.
- Please allow reasonable processing time (typically 2-3 business days) and use your P-card when applicable. Not all credit applications are approved so please allow ample time to make alternate purchasing plans if necessary.
Using P-Cards
- LC State employees are eligible to apply for a P-Card for an individual or the department or division/program (hereafter referred to as "department"), with department approval. See the Individual or Department P-Card Application.
- Department P-Cards must designate a P-Card Manager.
- Department/Division heads can get a P-Card in their name and delegate the review using the delegation form for the next level review
- Delegation must not have a conflict to the line of authority (ex: VP’s card cannot be delegated within the same unit, department director within the unit cannot approve respective VP P-Card log, must be approved by another unit).
- Department heads may delegate to a peer department within the same unit or next level up within the same unit.
- The ability to delegate must be approved by the P-Cardholder's respective VP, or the President (if the P-Card holder is a direct report). Delegation as a routine business practice is not encouraged.
- Support staff (ex: administrative assistant) can put the P-Card in their name and the next level review is the supervisor.
NOTE: P-Cards are LC State cards and do not affect individual credit ratings; the name is an indicator of who is responsible for tracking transactions but not who is financially responsible.
- Complete the Individual or Department P-Card Application form and send to Purchasing.
- Complete the P-Card training:
- Upcoming training dates are posted here.
- Or email to request training.
- Or view the P-Card Training materials and email Purchasing to let us know it was completed.
Once the card is ordered, it typically arrives in 2-3 business days. You will get an email from Purchasing with instructions for picking up and activating your card.
A Department P-Card must have a P-Card Manager assigned. An individual may designate a P-Card Manager for their individual card.
Review the P-Card Procedure Manual for full list of Individual and Department P-Card Manager responsibilities.
Here are the steps to take to assign a P-Card Manager:
- Complete the Individual or Department P-Card Maintenance Form and send to Purchasing.
- The P-Card Manager will complete training then be provided access to manage the P-Card(s) in Bank of America Works.
To re-set your PIN, call the Global Card Services number listed on the back of your card. You will need the following information:
- Verification ID (provided when you picked up your card, or contact Purchasing to obtain)
- Phone number associated with the account (208-792-2288)
- Zip code (83501)
Using Works
A Works Guide to Allocating and Signing Off Transactions is available for more detailed instruction as to how to allocate and sign off on transactions each month.
A Works Guide to Run the Statement Report is available for step-by-step instructions as to how to run the monthly statement report.
A WORKS Quick Reference Guide is available with step-by-step instructions for the common tasks performed within the WORKS application.
The P-Card Sweep is the monthly date on which P-Card transactions for the previous cycle period will be swept from Works and uploaded to Colleague. This will happen regardless of sign-off status, so please make sure that your allocations are correct by each month's sweep date.
The sweep date is posted each month in the Announcements section in Works.
Here are the most common mistakes we see when auditing P-Card logs.
Workplace Necessities
All furniture needs to be purchased using the State of Idaho furniture contracts, or Idaho Correctional Industries.
The current list of state contract furniture vendors is here.
We request that you communicate with the company reps so that they can provide you with options to choose from that will meet your needs.
You can purchase computers, monitors, etc. through Jaggaer in one of several ways:
- If you know what you want, you can use Jaggaer's punchout menu (Dell, B&H). The items available for purchase have been vetted by IT and you can order as you would from any other punchout vendor. IT will initially approve your req to ensure that your selection meets their criteria, and after your departmental approvers have approved, the IT Director will approve again. (Any item installed on, plugged into, or otherwise connected to a campus computer or any campus network must be approved by the IT Director before it is purchased.)
- If you need more guidance, you can contact the Helpdesk and ask them to provide a quote for what you're looking for. If the quote is acceptable, you can use the Jaggaer punchout menu to locate your quote and add it to your cart.
- The same steps apply to Apple products, but as Apple is not yet a Jaggaer punchout vendor, you will enter the req as a Non-Catalog item.
While the majority of IT items should be ordered through the contract computer vendors, some "office supply" type items, such a USB drives, keyboards, and wireless mice may be ordered through Amazon/Office Depot. If the item is over $100, please make sure the 5580 object code is used to flag the IT Director.
Office supplies should be purchased through the Jaggaer system. We have contracts in place with Office Depot and Staples, and both are punchout vendors. If you can't find what you need at either of those, Amazon is also a Jaggaer punchout vendor.
If you need to be set up and trained to use Jaggaer, please contact Purchasing.
For a new phone, please email Purchasing and request a current list of available phones and prices. When you've decided on a phone, or if you're renewing your current phone plan:
- Fill out the MCD Agreement and route it for approval signatures
- Enter a req in Jaggaer and upload the MCD Agreement
Colleague Help
While we no longer use Colleague for entering or approving requisitions, there are still some useful tools that you can use.
Financial System Mnemonics
XBAL-Use for Fund Balance Information on Local Accounts. e.g. 904601
XBUD-Use for Summary Information for cost centers with Budgets; e.g. 904101
AP- Accounts Payable
VENI –Use the Vendor Activity Inquiry (VENI) screen to view all purchasing activity with the specified vendor, includes total year-to-date numbers.
VRAI –Use the Voucher AR Inquiry (VRAI) screen to view vouchers processed though the Accounts Receivable module; student refunds, travel payments.
VOUI –Use the Voucher Inquiry (VOUI) screen to view information about a voucher.
CHKI –Use the Check Inquiry (CHKI) screen to view a list of all vouchers that were paid by a particular check.
Purchasing Mnemonics
RINQ – Use the Requisition Inquiry (RINQ) screen to view status information about a requisition. RQ number required.
PINQ –Use the Purchase Order Inquiry (PINQ) screen to view status information about a purchase order. PO number required.
GL- General Ledger
GLJI – Use the General Ledger Journal Entry Inquiry (GLJI) to display information about journal entries reflected on Financial reports.
ENCI – Use the Encumbrance Inquiry (ENCI) screen to display information about outstanding encumbrances for a specified 15 digit GL account number.
AHST - Use GL Account History Inquiry (AHST) to view historical summary information about a specific GL account number. Includes data back to 1995.
FX- Fixed Assets
FXIN - Use the Fixed Assets Inquiry (FXIN) screen to inquire about numerical tagged assets. Tag number required.