Forms, Tools and Boilerplates
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PDF Form Instructions
Supplemental Materials
Elements of a Sponsored Project
Pre-Award Forms
Purpose: The ‘Intent to Apply Form' is required each time a Lewis-Clark State College (LC State) employee is seeking external funding via grants, contracts, sub-awards, or cooperative agreements.
Due Date: Preferably, twenty-one (21) days prior to the grant submission deadline.
Purpose: After having received initial approval the Office of Grants and Contracts (OGC) will e-mail the PSA to the Principal Investigator/Project Director (PI/PD). The PSA allows the PI/PD to provide more information to the College about the specific grant or contract opportunity for which PI/PD plans to apply.
Due Date: Ten (10) business days prior to the grant submission deadline.
Purpose: After having received final approval the OGC will e-mail the Proof of Submission Form to the PI/PD. This form is to evidence the submission of a proposal or application.
Due Date: Three (3) business days following a formal submission.
Purpose: This form is used to request a Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Indirect Cost Waiver.
Due Date: Prior to submitting a PSA.
Purpose: This form is used to request that LC State make a cost share / match contribution on an award or contract.
Due Date: Prior to submitting a PSA.
Purpose: The Financial Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form is required prior to the submission of a PHS/NIH sponsored proposal. Subsequent to the initial disclosure, investigators must submit updates annually during the award period.
Due Date: Prior to submitting the PSA.
Decision Forms
Purpose: The ‘Notification of Award Decision' is used to document the date the College receives notice a sponsored project has been awarded.
Due Date: The date an ‘Award Notification’ is received by the College.
Post Award Forms
Purpose: The P-Card Purchase Request form was designed to streamline and simplify the purchasing process for relatively small dollar items (under $2,000). For more information, please visit the Purchasing web-page.
Due Date: Preferably, prior to a sponsored project related expense being charged to a P-Card.
Note: A P-card Purchase Request form is not required for travel, provided all anticipated expenses are documented and approved on the Travel Authorization form.
Purpose: Please enter REQ request’s in Colleague for purchases between $2,000 and $10,000.00. For purchases under $2,000, which will be purchased via REQ, contact the Purchasing Office to get a Purchase Order (PO) number. More information on the requisition process can be found on the Purchasing Office’s website. For more information, please visit the Purchasing web-page.
Due Date: Prior to a sponsored project related expense being purchased via REQ.
Purpose: The Report Review and Submission Approval Form was designed to allow the OGC and PI/PD to interface with each other to maintain compliance with the award's reporting requirements and deadlines.
Due Date: Five (5) business days prior to the submission deadline.
Purpose: The Budget Revision Authorization Request Form was designed to allow the OGC and PI/PD to interface with each other to maintain compliance with the award's terms and conditions.
Due Date: Prior to contacting a sponsoring agency to request a budget revision.
Purpose: The No-Cost Extension Authorization Request Form was designed to allow the OGC and PI/PD to interface with each other to maintain compliance with the award's terms and conditions.
Due Date: Prior to contacting a sponsoring agency to request a no-cost extension.
Purpose: An LC State MOA is needed for all employees receiving compensation for grant-related work who are not specifically identified by name within the sponsored project agreement. The MOA should accompany the Personnel Action (PA) Form. An MOA is also needed when a sponsored project requires the services and/or commitment of an outside consultant and/or organization.
Due Date: When a person/organization is hired and prior to the submission of a PA Form.
An independent contractor is generally a business that provides a service. Payments to independent contractors must be initiated on an Independent Contractor Payment Form (LC State Policy 4.111).
Purpose: Personnel who receive or cost-share/match salary from sponsored project dollars are required to keep a record of their program activity / time and effort during the sponsored project. Program Activity / Time & Effort Certification should reflect all activities performed by the employee during the project period, including those which are paid for by the College.
Due Date: Professional Employees should complete a PAR each semester. Classified Employees and Irregular Help should complete a PAR quarterly.
Purpose: Key personnel are those people who are essential to carrying out the work of a project. Key personnel include: Principal Investigators / Program Directors (PI/PD’s) Co-Investigator’s (Co-PI’s) as-well-as ‘Key Persons’ (e.g., Co-Director’s, data administrator’s, etc.). LC State Policy and Federal guidance require that the PI/PD track effort for key personnel and notify sponsors when there is a significant reduction in effort (usually 25% or more) or when one of the key people leave the project.
Due Date: The completed Personnel Changes Form should be submitted to the OGC prior to the requested personnel change occurring.
Purpose: PI/PDs should be aware of the closing dates of their awards in order to complete the technical aspects of the project, as well as close-out all financial obligations in advance of the project termination date.
Due Date: The completed Closeout Form should be submitted to the OGC as soon as possible following the end date of the sponsored project.