Scholarships and Waivers

LC State provides access to a wide variety of institutional scholarships, out-of-state tuition scholarships/waivers and outside funding opportunities. Scholarships are available for various majors, minority students, first-year freshmen, transfer and non-traditional students.

Lewis-Clark State College administers most scholarship funds through the Lewis-Clark State College Scholarship Portal. The Portal offers one centralized general application, regardless of a student's major or program of study. This Portal is open for General Application submissions from December 1 through March 1 each year for the following academic year.

The application is accessible to all incoming and continuing LC State students who have secured an LC State Student ID Number.

How to find the LC State Scholarship Application video.

If you need to apply for admissions, apply now with our Admissions Office. Once you have applied, you should receive your LC State Student ID Number in 7-10 business days.