Prior Learning Assessment
At LC State, we recognize that learning can happen outside the classroom.
What Is Prior Learning?
Prior Learning Assessment is the awarding of credit for college level learning that you may have acquired outside the classroom. With our Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Program, your life and work experience can help you achieve your degree faster and save money.
At LC State, we provide attainable accomplishments. Through a seamless transition, each student has the opportunity to earn a:
- Certificate
- Associate degree
- Bachelor’s degree
Flexible. Affordable. Focused.
- Flexible Schedules – Online, evening, weekend, 8-week accelerated, and virtual remote classes
- LC State offers the lowest tuition among public four-year institutions in Idaho
- The Idaho Opportunity Scholarship for Adult Learners awards eligible applicants up to $3,500 per year and is renewable for up to four years
- Transfer-friendly degree options
Prior Learning Assessment Course
Students will be given guidance in LC State's prior learning assessment options and will have a chance to create a draft portfolio.
- 8-week course, offered spring and fall semesters
- 1-credit
- Reduced tuition rate
For more information, contact the Adult Learning Program Coordinator.
Prior Learning Assessment Options
Credit for military training and experience is available to degree seeking LCSC students or post baccalaureate students currently enrolled at LCSC. Applicants who wish to receive credit for military training must submit an official military transcript to the Registrar and Records Office via the Joint Service Transcript site: https://jst.doded.mil/official.html. An official evaluation will not be granted until the applicant has matriculated to Lewis-Clark State College and earned a minimum of three credits from LC State.
The assessment and transcription of credit for military training and experience is consistent with the established standards for credit evaluation and award based on standards such as the American Council on Education (ACE) Guide.
For more information: LCSC Policy 2.120
Step 1: Contact the Registrar's Office to request an evaluation of your military training and experience.
A Challenge Exam assesses your mastery of college-level learning outcomes designated for specific LCSC courses. Under guidelines approved by each division, currently enrolled, degree-seeking students may challenge courses in which they believe there has been substantial prior learning. Exams may include a variety of formats, such as multiple choice questions, short answer, essay questions, oral interviews, or skills demonstrations.
For more information: Challenge-Exams
Step 1: Contact the Adult Learning Program Coordinator at priorlearning@lcsc.edu.
CLEP, DSST/DANTES enable students to earn college credit by examination. Students interested in earning credit through the respective program should contact the Registrar & Records Office .
For more information: Minimum Required Scores and LCSC Equivalent Courses
Step 1 if you plan to take a CLEP Exam:
- Register for your CLEP Exam- CLEP fees and LCSC Testing Center fees apply.
- Make an appointment for your exam with the Testing Center. Fill out the online form or call 208-792-2100
Step 1: If you have already completed CLEP exams and wish to have your scores evaluated: Request that your scores be sent to the Registrar directly from:
Educational Testing Service
Princeton, New Jersey, 08541
A Portfolio is a formal means of requesting assessment of your prior work/life experience from which you have developed sufficient college-level learning to earn credit for a specific class. Portfolio Assessments are particularly appropriate for learning that occurred through work experience, such as owning your own business, managing a significant project, or long-term volunteering for an agency.
For more information: Portfolio Assessments
Step 1: Contact the Adult Learning Program Coordinator at priorlearning@lcsc.edu.
For more information on Lewis-Clark State College’s policy on Credit by Prior Learning Assessment: Policy 2.118 Credit by Prior Learning Assessment.