Official Colors
Primary and Secondary Colors
LC State's official primary color is Warrior Blue. Secondary colors include red, white, and gray. Precise color matching can be difficult across mediums. To remedy this please utilize the color numbers listed below, and it is also recommended that proofs be printed for quality control. The blue should be a rich navy blue, as shown below. If the blue it is not reproducing in a manner consistent with the sample below, perhaps because of the type of material being printed on, users have the freedom to adjust as necessary. For questions or consultation please contact the Communications & Marketing Department.
Primary color

Warrior Blue (Navy)
Pantone: 2955 C
RGB: 0, 56, 101
CMYK: 100, 60, 10, 53
Hex: #003865
HSL: 207, 100%, 19.8%
Secondary colors (accents)

RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
Pantone: 1795 C
RGB: 225, 0, 0
CMYK: 0, 96, 90, 2
Hex: #E10000
HSL: 0, 100%, 44.1%
Pantone: Cool Gray 4C
RGB: 180, 180, 180
CMYK: 12, 8, 9, 23
40% Black
Energy Blue
Another option for background colors is to utilize what we call "Energy Blue." The concept has been implemented by the Communications & Marketing office as a means to infuse energy, vibrancy, and personality into our brand and marketing publications. The concept is simple and can be recreated by adding a transparent collage of photos over Warrior Blue. Download sample below.