Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Risk Level & Dashboard

LC State administrators and the college's Coronavirus Tactical Group continue to monitor the status of coronavirus on campus and in the community, working closely with Idaho Public Health. In accordance with its Operational Levels Matrix, LC State's risk level, as of May 13, 2022, at 8 a.m. is:

Minimal Risk

It is the intent of LC State to update the above risk level and following dashboard numbers as new information becomes available. The totals below are for the 2022 spring semester (beginning Jan. 10, 2022), and are current as of the date listed above. 

Fall 2021 (Aug. 16-Dec. 23) total confirmed cases: 139
Summer 2021 (May 24-Aug. 6) total confirmed cases: 2
Spring 2021 (Jan. 4-May 17) total confirmed cases: 29
Fall 2020 (Aug. 24-Dec. 23) total confirmed cases: 152




Total confirmed cases
since Jan. 10, 2022
Active confirmed
Students in isolation
in campus housing
Students: 91
Faculty/Staff: 21
Students: 0
Faculty/Staff: 1
Lewiston: 109
Coeur d'Alene: 1
Other: 2
Lewiston: 1
Coeur d'Alene: 0
Other: 0


  • Confirmed Case: A case that has been confirmed by a Public Health district (e.g., Public Health – North Central District or Panhandle District).
  • Active Confirmed Case: A confirmed case in which an individual is in isolation and, thus, not cleared to reintegrate with campus.
  • Student: A student enrolled at LC State, including on-campus dual credit students and those currently enrolled in GED and Workforce Training courses.
  • Quarantine: Quarantine is a period of time during which a person who has had close contact with someone who is positive for COVID-19 must remain in their residence and use appropriate safety precautions around others who share the residence.
  • Isolation: Isolation is a period of time (5 days) during which a person who tests positive for COVID-19 must remain in their residence until they are no longer considered infectious.