Clubs and Organizations
Clubs listed below are sponsored by the Teacher Education & Mathematics Division. Getting involved brings a richness to your college experience; so, get involved and have fun!
KAPPA DELTA PI Honor Society, CHI KAPPA Chapter
Kappa Delta Pi, an International Honor Society in Education, was founded March 8, 1911 at the University of Illinois. The Chi Kappa Chapter of Lewis-Clark State College was installed in 1996 and was the first Idaho chapter; it became the last chapter necessary to complete membership in all fifty states. The Chi Kappa Chapter promotes better teaching and learning through identification and recognition of both outstanding teacher candidates and practicing educators. Teacher candidates must possess a grade point average of no less than 3.5 and be nominated on the basis of demonstrated potential to become strong leaders in Education. Practicing educators are nominated by a committee of their peers, as individuals who have demonstrated high academic ideals and made significant contributions to the education profession. The chapter sponsors several annual social and professional activities, and members have the opportunity to represent the chapter at the biennial national conference.
For more information, contact the Chi Kappa Chapter advisor, Dr. Ken Wareham, at klwareham@lcsc.edu.
Idaho Council for Exceptional Children, LCSC Student Chapter
The Idaho Council for Exception Children (CEC), LCSC Student Chapter welcomes new members seeking a special education minor or a gifted and talented endorsement. The student chapter actively participates in professional development activities that align to the state unit and shares the following mission statement: "To improve educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities." A non-profit association, CEC accomplishes its mission - which is carried out in support of special education professionals and others working on behalf of individuals with exceptionalities - by:
- advocating for appropriate governmental practices,
- setting professional standards,
- providing continuing professional development,
- advocating for newly and historically underserved individuals with exceptionalities,
- and, helping professionals achieve the conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice.
For more information, contact the LCSC Chapter advisor, Dr. Heather Welsh-Griffin, at hswelsh-griffin@lcsc.edu.
SPARC Program: Students and Professionals Accessing Resources in the Community
SPARC is a program for students with disabilities aged 18–21, and teaches key skills that lead to independence, employment, success, and happiness. SPARC is a partnership between the Lewiston School District and Lewis-Clark State College. The program is housed on the LCSC campus, which allows SPARC students to participate in many college experiences including the library, gym, clubs, and activities such as Warrior Wednesday. The program staff includes a certified special education teacher and an instructional assistant. Students attend an academic and functional program each morning focused on skills related to the student’s post-school goals. Each afternoon, students participate in the work experience component of the program. Work sites exist throughout the community and are fully supported by the Lewiston School District. The program is housed in Sam Glenn and students routinely use other campus classrooms and computer labs. Students have the opportunity to audit selected courses at the college, depending on their skills and interests. SPARC students are also issued an LCSC Warrior activity card that allows access to campus events.
View our brochure, check out our website, or visit our SPARC Facebook page!
If you have a special talent you would like to share with the SPARC Team or would like to make a donation, contact Julie Bieker at (208) 790-3519.