Mastery-Based Pathway
This program is designed to prepare individuals with a bachelor’s degree to become fully certified teachers. The program is completed online with support from mentors and instructors while working full-time in the classroom. Additional professional development is also provided in your region. Courses can be completed in as little as two weeks or take as long as one calendar year depending on your needs.
This program is also available for teachers who are looking to add an additional endorsement area to an existing license.
Program Format:
The program is designed around the needs of the applicant and includes an individualized learning plan. The plan consists of the following elements:
- 5 Module Core Program
- Weekly virtual seminar/conference
- Quarterly professional development
- Literacy Proficiency Exams (ICLS), or courses – if applicable
- Professional Development in teaching Mathematics (MTI/TMT) – if applicable
- Additional content coursework – if applicable
To see if you qualify for the program, please complete this form. You will be asked to attach unofficial transcripts and other documentation in the form. Once submitted, the evaluation may take several weeks. If you have urgent questions that cannot be answered by the FAQ below, please reach out to education@lcsc.edu or call the education office at 208-792-2570.
To enroll as a student at LCSC for this program, please complete the below linked form.
Required Courses:
ED 476: Learner Development & Differentiation (Module A)
Builds pedagogical knowledge for the candidates about students: development, individual learning differences, learning environments, and uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities.
ED 477: Creating an Environment that Fosters College and Career Ready Skills (Module B)
Builds pedagogical knowledge for the candidates in creating supportive environments that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation in students. With a focus specifically on the development of the skills necessary for college and career readiness.
ED 478: Creating an Environment for All Learners (Module C)
Builds pedagogical knowledge for the candidates in creating supportive environments that encourage individual and collaborative learning, positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation in students, With a focus specifically on understanding diversity.
ED 479: Differentiation and Application of Content (Module D)
Builds pedagogical knowledge for the candidates in their content area(s) to make the content accessible to students. Specific focus will be in the development of engaging learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues that leads toward mastery of content.
ED 480: Designing Instruction and Assessment Literacy (Module E)
Builds pedagogical knowledge for the candidates in methodologies of assessment, planning, and instruction. Specific attention is given to the impact of assessment on learning, instruction for learning, student’s application of knowledge, community context, and decision making for curriculum.
Note: The Mastery-Based pathway is significantly different in coursework requirements. The required modules have been designed to incorporate the Idaho Standards for Initial Certification of Professional School Personnel through practice and experience rather than typical Carnegie Unit coursework.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Click here to access the endorsement list.
- a baccalaureate degree
- content competency through one of the approved content area assessments:
- Praxis II in subject-specific content area of endorsement
- baccalaureate degree in specific content area of endorsement
- a combination of coursework, work experience, and volunteer experience to meet a Qualifying score on the “Uniform Standard for Evaluating Content Competency Rubric”
- employment with an Idaho district/charter
Yes, however, in some cases the SBE will provide permission for applicants from private schools to participate. Additionally, candidates in Washington can now begin the program with permission from their school/district. If you have any questions about your status, please contact us at education@lcsc.edu so we can let you know if your school can be approved.
Modules are open for registration the week prior to, and during the first week of each month, February through December. You can begin the program once you have satisfied the requirements of qualification and admission to LC State.
Go to www.lcsc.edu and fill out the transfer application online. Apply Now!
Working with your school or district, go to http://www.sde.idaho.gov/cert-psc/cert/apply/non-trad.html and provide all of the necessary information as required.
After being admitted to LC State and the program, you will need to either complete the Conditions of Registration via WarriorWeb or fill out a physical form. You will also be required to request admission to classes via email. The sections below outline the process.
Warrior Web
- Access WarriorWeb (https://www.lcsc.edu/warriorweb).
- Under the heading Registration/Student Planning, click on "DO THIS FIRST: Conditions of Registration".
- You may need to complete other sections under Registration/Student Planning, as well.
- Please be sure to check out the links under the My Information section.
- Ensure that you can access your WarriorMail email address (username@students.lcstate.edu) as all official communications will need to go through this address while attending LC State.
- Contact the program coordinator Dr. Toy (retoy@lcsc.edu), using your WarriorMail address, and request permission to register for the module(s) you want to take. Please indicate the following:
- number of modules you would like to register for,
- name of the module(s), if known, and
- start Date for module(s) desired. (Modules are opened to begin each month except January.)
- Once you have made the above request, you will receive an email from the program coordinator stating that you have permission to register for the module(s).
- You can register in WarriorWeb, by adding the courses, or by forwarding the email you received from the program coordinator (using your WarriorMail address) to the Registrar’s office (registrar@lcsc.edu) and you will be permitted to enroll or will be placed in the module(s).
Each module costs the same as a 3-hour class at LC State. The current tuition prices can be found at https://www.lcsc.edu/student-accounts/tuition-and-fees. As of 11/09/2023, the current cost for part-time coursework is $378/credit. In addition to this cost there are fees assessed by the college these are outlined for the 2023–24 school year:
The current cost should be as follows:
Tuition $378/credit
Liability Insurance $13.00/academic year
Online Technology Fees: $15.00/credit
PACE fees: $13.00/credit
Total for one class $1,231.00
Total for entire program @ LC if completed in one year*: $5,833
*This means only being assessed the Liability Insurance once.
Note: There are also Idaho State Board of Education application fees when applying for an interim certificate and for licensing after program completion. Some of these costs may be covered by your school/district (e.g. application fee ($75), fingerprinting, background check, official transcripts, etc.). Additionally, you will be responsible for the cost of the required Praxis exam(s) for your content area(s).
At this time there are no scholarships or financial aid available through LC State. Typically, aid for college is reserved for programs that lead toward degree completion. Since this program is focused solely on meeting the minimum certification requirements for endorsement, most students will not take enough credits to qualify. You may qualify for a personal loan or other financial relief through your bank, credit union, or through other sources such as fraternal organizations, clubs, community agencies, or even through your school/district. Additionally, by taking one class at a time, you can spread the cost over the time you have to complete the program (from one to three years).
After you have applied and been admitted to, both, LC State and the program, you will need to contact Student Account Services (full link: https://www.lcsc.edu/student-accounts/) to pay for the module(s) you take. Their office is located on the first floor of Reed Centennial Hall.
Each candidate will have a program of study developed that will provide all of the necessary components to measure the content, pedagogical, and dispositional attributes of the candidate. At a minimum the program will consist of the five modules, IPLP, and Common Summative Assessment. Additional courses, activities, and assessments are added and agreed upon at a conference prior to beginning the program. The program may be changed - as well, as part of the process - if it becomes necessary to demonstrate competency in any of the three areas required (content, pedagogy, dispositions).
Completion of the program is accomplished by:
- passing all of the performance assessments in the modules and the Common Summative Assessment
- passing all other required assessments that may be applicable
- completing the Individualized Plan for Growth (IPLP)
- passing Praxis for the content area*
*Note: If a candidate is not able to pass the required Praxis exam, it is possible to meet the requirement for certification by collecting evidence of student growth data for a minimum of two years. The disposition of these data can be determined by the school/candidate/district; however, there must be a way to quantify student achievement.
The program is designed to be completed in less than three years due to the nature the interim certificate provided to candidates through the Idaho State Board of Education. Within that timeframe, candidates will be engaged in different aspects of the program; namely, assessments, modules, and professional development. The program can be completed in as little as one semester and can take up to the three years (length of the interim certificate).
- Each module is designed for a ten-week timeframe. It is recommended that the first eight weeks are used to become involved in the activities that lead toward a performance assessment. The next two weeks are designed to develop, complete, and submit all of the necessary performances for the performance assessment.
- Modules can be completed in as little as two weeks (preparing for the performance assessment and submission of materials) or as long as one calendar year from the start date of the module.
- Modules also become available each month, so they are tied to the candidate’s schedule rather than a traditional semester.
- There are several components required for certification as a teacher in Idaho. These include the ICLS (Literacy), TMT (Mathematics), Common Summative Assessment, and the Individualized Plan for Growth (IPLP). These are provided to candidates who require them at various stages in their program as part of their individualized learning plan.
- The Performance assessments are also taken at the end of each particular module to demonstrate competency for the standards addressed in the module.
Each quarter, a professional development (PD) opportunity will be provided for candidates enrolled in the program. Most of these will be held on a Saturday and candidates are expected to participate in PD until their program is completed. Due to COVID-19, travel restrictions, and the desire to be good citizens, we currently offer many PD opportunities online through virtual workshops, seminars, and presentations.