Building Safety Coordinators
Each building on campus has identified a primary and secondary Building Safety Coordinator (BSC). BSC's have a variety of responsibilities, as identified below. Upon appointment, and annually thereafter, primary and secondary BSC's receive orientation and/or training on their duties and the LC State Emergency Operations Plan.
A full list of primary and secondary BSC's, as well as building evacuation plans can be found on the campus intranet under Emergency Response in the "Quick Links".
The BSC will be responsible for facilitating communication between building occupants and appropriate campus support units. The BSC is the liaison or point of contact to gather facts, receive concerns/complaints, and disseminate information for students, faculty, staff and visitors who are affected by conditions in the building.
This information may relate to changes in building conditions, construction or renovation projects, heating/cooling/ventilation problems, utility service interruptions, fire alarm system maintenance and testing, indoor air quality, and other environmental health and safety concerns.
Door Security
In coordination with building occupants, the BSC shall determine normal opening/closing hours for the building's exterior doors and all internal doors to offices, classrooms, and laboratories. The BSC shall be the liaison between the building's occupants, custodial services, and Campus Security and assist these units to ensure exterior and interior door security.
Emergency Procedures
The BSC shall coordinate with Campus Security and Physical Plant to develop and maintain emergency action and evacuation procedures for the building, coordinate the dissemination of the plan, and schedule evacuation drills within the facility.
In particular, when a building alarm sounds or an evacuation is ordered, the BSC shall:
- ensure, to the extent practicable, that building emergency action and safe exiting procedures are followed;
- direct evacuated building occupants to gather outside at the designated safe assembly location; and
- report any known details of the emergency situation to first responders upon their arrival.
COVID-19 Cleaning Protocols
The BSC shall ensure compliance with COVID-19 cleaning protocols with building occupants.
COVID-19 Cleaning Protocols:
- Campus offices will be cleaned once a week (including emptying office trashcans).
- If an occupant would like their trashcan emptied on a more frequent basis, the trashcan should be set outside of the office door at the end of the day.
- Please note, if liquid or malodourous waste has been placed in a trashcan, the occupant is asked to take the trash bag directly to a dumpster.
- Disinfectant supplies will be provided by the Physical Plant for the following spaces:
- All classrooms and conference rooms.
- The staff and/or students utilizing the conference room or classroom should use the provided supplies to wipe down surfaces, tables, chairs, etc. after use.
- These supplies will be checked and replenished in the evening.
- Service Counters (such as division offices)
- The staff and/or students utilizing the service counters should use the provided supplies to wipe down surfaces, counters, tables, etc.
- These supplies will be checked and replenished during the day.
- High-touch surfaces
- Building staff are to wipe down common area high-touch surfaces (such as entry door hardware and hand rails) on a regular basis.
- These supplies should be shared with the division services counter and will be checked and replenished on a daily basis.
- All classrooms and conference rooms.
- Hand sanitizer will be provided at building entrances/in lobbies and service counters.
- Hand sanitizer supplies will be checked and replenished during the day.
For questions about your role as a BSC, contact Campus Security.