Emergency Notifications
Warrior Alerts
The Warrior Alert system is an institution-wide, multi-modal (email, text message, voice, and text-to-speech) emergency notification system. All College employees and students are enrolled automatically through employee and student database modules upon employment/enrollment. You must remain enrolled to receive Emergency Notifications and Timely Warnings that are issued to the campus.
Students and Employees are encouraged to log into WarriorWeb to verify their contact information is correct and up-to-date to ensure you receive alerts.
In compliance with The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)), Emergency Notifications will be broadcast after an initial assessment is made that a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students, faculty, staff or visitors is occurring on campus and warrants an Emergency Notification by authorized personnel. The President of the College, or their designee, will coordinate with the Vice Presidents of the College, the Director of Security, and the Director of Communication and Marketing to broadcast the Emergency Notifications to the College community using the Warrior Alert System. When appropriate, Emergency Notifications may be broadcast through other communication methods (web pages, press release, printed and/or social media, etc.).
The content of the Emergency Notification will be determined on a case by case basis after an initial assessment of the situation and will include instructions to the LCSC community for protective action. When the threat no longer exists, an “all clear” alert will be broadcast. Emergency Notifications will be issued without delay, unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise the efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to or otherwise mitigate the emergency.
In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)), Timely Warnings will be broadcast when certain crimes are reported to campus security authorities and law enforcement. When the crime of murder, sex offense (rape, statutory rape, incest and fondling), robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, manslaughter, or arson (Clery Act Crimes) is received, and in the judgment of the institution, the crime at issue poses a serious or continuing threat to students and employees, a Timely Warning shall be issued. The President of the College, or his/her designee, and in coordination with the Vice Presidents of the College, the Director of Security, and the Director of Communication and Marketing, will broadcast Timely Warnings using the Warrior Alert System.
Timely Warnings will be issued in a manner that is timely and will aid in the prevention of similar crimes, unless issuing a warning will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the threat.
The intent of a Timely Warning is to enable people to protect themselves and/or their property. Timely Warnings will be issued as soon as pertinent information is available. Timely Warnings may also be made for other crimes (non-Clery) that pose a serious or continuing threat to the campus community. When appropriate, Timely Warnings may be broadcast through other communication methods (radio, web pages, press release, printed and/or social media, etc.)
When an emergency evacuation is ordered or when audio or visual alarms are activated, all persons are required to evacuate the premises immediately. All faculty and staff must help direct students and visitors to obey evacuation orders. All College employees are responsible to know the location of exits and be able to identify their building’s evacuation route(s) in an emergency. All alarms must be treated as a warning of an actual emergency. Do not take time to retrieve personal items during an evacuation.
Each department is responsible for ensuring that their employees and students are aware of the proper emergency evacuation procedures. Each building on campus has a designated Building Safety Coordinator and specific procedures and considerations that apply to each particular building. For a list of the Building Safety Coordinators and building specific evacuation plans, visit: http://intranet.lcsc.edu/eri/default.asp.
The Director of Security, in coordination with the Director of Communications and Marketing, will test the Warrior Alert system on an annual basis. Test messages may be sent using a single mode or may combine multiple modes of the system. Test messages will clearly state in the subject line that there is no actual threat or emergency and that the purpose of the notification is to test the system and/or response plans and capabilities.
This message will include information on LCSC’s emergency response plan and evacuation procedures. To the extent possible, system tests will be combined with emergency response drills and will include follow-up assessment and review. System testing may be announced or unannounced. Documentation on system testing will be maintained by the Office of Security.
Additional methods of communication may include distributing fliers and recorded alerts broadcast on the campus radio station, KLCZ 88.9 FM. Regular updates will be provided to the news media via the Director of Communications and Marketing.