News Media Guidelines
In the Event of an Emergency
The Communications & Marketing Office will be the primary point of contact for the media.
- The office phone number is 1-208-792-2200.
Information will be posted and updated at both the college's main website and the college's emergency page.
Media on Campus
Media coming to campus must park in a designated area.
- Depending on the severity of the emergency and the location of the incident, parking will be either in the college parking lot on 6th Street and 9th Avenue or in the parking lot on 11th Avenue and 4th Street, next to Wittman Complex.
- Call 1-208-792-2200 for specific locations.
Media must wear a media ID badge that will be issued once media arrive on campus.
- The badge must be worn in plain sight.
Note: Any media members who do not follow these guidelines may be asked to leave the campus.
News Media Access to LC State Property
Lewis-Clark State college encourages the news media to visit the campus.
- It is the College's policy to be as helpful as possible while upholding our missions of teaching and learning, while maintaining the reasonable privacy expectations of students and others.
- The media does not have a right to indiscriminate access to LC State buildings or other college-owned facilities.
Note: Our first priority is for students, faculty, and other members of the LC State community to carry out their activities with a reasonable expectation of privacy and normality, while remaining free to speak openly with the media if they choose to do so.
In General
Outdoor/Campus Permissions
Television and radio crews must contact the Communications & Marketing Office if planning to broadcast live from campus to ensure there is no interference with College activities or classes.
- Such permission generally will be granted for exterior set-ups as long as they do not interfere with College operations.
- In certain situations, LC State may limit live broadcasts to specific locations.
Classroom/Building Permissions
News media representatives must seek permission if they want to enter classroom, laboratories, or similar facilities for reporting, photography, or video/audio recording purposes.
- Such permission generally will be granted as long as the reporting activities do not disrupt college activities, interfere with privacy of students, patients, faculty, or staff; or jeopardize the safety of College personnel, visitors, or facilities.
- Residence halls are closed to news media except with special advance arrangement from both the College Communications Office and the Residence Life Office.
In Emergency Situations
Representatives of the news media do not need permission to enter the campus for recording news stories.
- However, access may be denied or limited, and pooling cameras and other recording devices may be required during an emergency
- Or in situations when LC State, state, city, or local authorities determine that unrestricted media access may become disruptive.
The College Communications Office may provide The Pathfinder with special access to information or events, in recognition of its unique role as the student-run campus newspaper.
Commercial Non-News Filming/Photography
All commercial, non-news photography or videotaping must be approved in advance by the Communications & Marketing Office.
Contact Information:
Communications & Marketing
Library Building, Room 143
500 8th Avenue
Lewiston, Idaho 83501