Professional Headshot of Christine Deal

Christine E. Deal, MS, RN

Assistant Professor of Nursing

Office Hours

MonOnline by appt
TuesOnline by appt
WedOnline by appt.
ThuOnline by appt
FriOnline by appt

About Christine


2009: Master of Science Nursing; Idaho State University

1996: Bachelor of Science Nursing; Montana State University

1990: Bachelor of Arts Anthropology; Colorado State University

Teaching Experience:

I became full time Nursing faculty in the fall of 2018. I instruct online for the RN-BSN and CC-BSN programs in NU 440, NU 442, NU 478, and NU 318. Prior to coming onboard at LCSC I was a Professor of Nursing faculty at the College of Southern Idaho, where I taught for 13 years.