Professional Headshot of Rachelle Genthôs

Dr. Rachelle Genthôs

Associate Professor of Psychology

Office Hours

Tues By Appointment
Wed 3:00 - 4:30
Thu 3:00 - 4:30
Fri By Appointment

About Rachelle

Schedule Office Hour Appointment

Click this link to use My Bookings page through Microsoft Outlook to schedule a 25-minute meeting with me during one of my regularly scheduled office hours listed above.

Office Hours A: Wednesday 3:00 - 4:30

Office Hour B: Thursday 3:00 - 4:30


PSYC 320 Social Psychology 3.00 Credits

      (Fall; In Person & Online Sections Simultaneously Offered)

An exploration of the scientific study of the way in which people's thought, feelings, and behavior are influenced by the real, implied, or imagined presence of other people. Acquaints students with the main theoretical and methodological approaches, along with the resulting empirical findings, that have shaped the field of social psychology. Social psychologists examine how people are influenced by, or influence, others by investigating topics such as social cognition, the self, social perception, social influence, aggression, attitudes, attraction, group behavior, stereotypes, discrimination, prejudice, and prosocial behavior. Encourages the application of social psychological theory, processes, and concepts to everyday social situations, firsthand experiences, and relevant media via writing assignments. PSYC-101 or PSYC-205, or permission from the instructor.

ANTH/PSYC 368 Sex, Evolution, and Human Nature 3.00 Credits

      (Offered as Needed; Spring 2023)

Human sexuality, male-female relations, cooperation, violence and parent-child relations examined cross-culturally and in nonhuman primates utilizing evolutionary and biocultural perspectives. Pre-requisites: ENGL-102 or ENGL-109, or permission from the instructor. Cross-listed with ANTH-368.

SS/PSYC 385 Research Methods 3.00 Credits

      (Spring; Offered In-Person *Hybrid Odd Years, Online Even Years)

Develops students' ability to design an empirical study within the ethical constraints of human research and to understand the results of research in professional journals. Specific research designs covered include archival research, experimental designs, naturalistic observation, participant observation, quasi-experimental designs, single subject designs, and survey research. Integrates (1) analytical and evaluative thinking, (2) descriptive, explanatory, and critical writing, and (3) basic knowledge of the theory and application of qualitative and quantitative research design. Pre-requisite: ENGL-102 or ENGL-109, and a total of 24 credit hours in the General Education Core, or instructor permission. Cross-listed with SS-385.


(Spring Semesters; Offered In-Person/*Hybrid Odd Years, Online Even Years)

In this writing intensive course, students will be introduced to the fundamental process of scientific reading and writing in the field of psychology, with an emphasis placed on the 1) interpretation and comprehension of scholarly and empirical research articles, 2) critique of research design & methods, and 3) production of scientific writing. Students will learn strategies for conducting a thorough literature search, synthesizing research findings, using APA and other relevant scientific styles, and implementing best practices in scientific writing structure, expression, and format. Pre-requisite PSYC-101 and ENGL-102. Co-requisite/Pre-requisite: SS/PSYC-385.

PSYC 399 Research Assistantship 1.00-12.00 Credits

      (Fall & Spring; invitation or application required; Preference given to students able to devote > 3.00 credit hours, or 9 hours of work a week)

Requires students to assist faculty in the conduct of research projects and other creative professional activities within the field of psychology. Students are expected to meet on a regular basis with the faculty member and to perform activities needed to bring the research or creative activity to a successful completion.


Offered Every Small Semester (In-Person/Hybrid Even Years, Online Odd Years)

This course will review career and graduate school options for psychology majors, with an emphasis on readiness for a profession in the field of psychology via the development of a resume, curriculum vitae, personal statement, cover letters, and other relevant documents. Students will be encouraged to develop of a variety of professional skills including effective email communication, successful interviewing, time-management, and professional etiquette. Pre-requisite: PSYC-101ENGL-102, and Junior-Level Standing.

PSYC 485 Advanced Research Seminar 3.00 Credits

      (Fall; *Hybrid Odd Years, Online Even Years)

Provides experience in carrying out research projects in the social sciences, nursing and other disciplines. The emphasis will be on the active participation in seminar discussions to develop an understanding of the design and completion of all phases of selected research projects. Each student will design a study, obtain ethical approval, collect and analyze data and write a research report summarizing the results of their study. In addition, each student will assist other seminar members in selected aspects of their studies. Pre-requisite: PSYC-385 or permission of instructor.

PSYC 499 Research Project & Seminar in Psychology 1.00 - 12.00 Credits (3.00 Senior Course)

      (Spring; In Person & Online Sections Simultaneously Offered)

Provides a capstone experience that includes the conduct of psychological research designed by each student. A quantitative or qualitative research paper or project is required. Pre-requisites: PSYC-300 AND PSYC-385.