Heritage Society Form

Thank you for your incredible support. 

By including a gift to Lewis-Clark State College in your will, you ensure that our students become successful leaders, engaged citizens, and lifelong learners. The information you provide here will ensure that our records are accurate and that we use your gift in the way that you intend. This is not a binding legal document, and your information will be kept confidential.

If you have any questions, please contact Jennie Jones Hall (208) 792-2457 or collegeadvancement@lcsc.edu.

We are honored that you have chosen LC State as a portion of your legacy.

I have included a gift for LC State through my:
Is this gift revocable or irrevocable?
Is this a percentage or a specified amount?
Please tell us about your gift designation:
LC State recognizes our incredibly generous legacy supporters with membership into the Heritage Society. By listing your name as part of this group in our publications, we hope you will inspire others to create their legacy through LC State. Please let us know if you would like to be listed or if you prefer to remain anonymous.

Please confirm your contact information:
