List of Applicants

If you applied for graduation, make sure your name appears on one of the lists below.

Please note that the graduation applicant list does not reflect those whose degree will be conferred, only that they have applied for Spring 2025, or Summer 2025. 

If you have any questions regarding the applicant list, please contact the Registrar's office at 208-792-2223.

Commencement Participants

If you indicated on your graduation application that you will be participating in commencement your name should be included on the list below. If your name is not included and you would like to participate in commencement please contact the Registrar and Records Office to have your graduation application updated.

If you are graduating with more than one degree or certificate only your most advanced credential will be listed, and your name will be included only once. At the commencement ceremony, you will line up according to your most advanced degree, but all your awarded credentials will be announced as you cross the stage and your degree is conferred.