Training Resources
National Training Resources
National Science Foundation (NSF) FastLane Help: PDF document to help you navigate the NSF FastLane website. Fastlane is 'an interactive real-time system used to conduct NSF business over the internet."
Grants.Gov Applicant Training Resources: Training resources for person's pursuing federal awards.
General Grant Writing Tips for Success: A document created by the United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help persons write for sponsored projects.
Logic Model Planning: A resource from the USDA, which explains how to develop and use a logic model for project planning and evaluation.
Award Lifecycle: The USDA's graphical representation of an award lifecycle.
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance: The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) which identifies the administrative requirements, cost principles and audit requirements on awards.
Council on Governmental Relations: Compensation Effort Commitments and Certification: The focus of this document is to address issues related to salary compensation, effort commitments, and certification policies and practices, as well as the Federal regulations governing these issues.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Financial Conflict of Interest Policy (FCOI): Per the NIH Policy institutions must require investigators to complete the FCOI training prior to engaging in NIH-supported research and at least every four years, and immediately under the designated circumstances (1) institutional FCOI policies change in a manner that affects Investigator requirements, (2) an Investigator is new to an institution, and (3) an institution finds an Investigator noncompliant with the institution’s FCOI policy or management plan. This interactive training module allows for printing of a certificate at the end.
Financial Conflict of Interest Training Resources
All LC State investigators seeking funding from the PHS/NIH must review LC State Policy 1.113 and complete Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Training prior to the submission of a PHS/NIH sponsored proposal.
Office 365 Tutorials
YouTube Channel: Videos of how to use Office 365 applications (i.e., Teams, Planner, Project, etc.).
Microsoft Support: Textual instructions on how to use Office 365 applications (i.e., Teams, Planner, Project, etc.).
If you would like to schedule a face-to-face training session with a member of the OGC please feel free to contact us at 208-792-2166 or grantsoff@lcsc.edu.
Classes / Groups
You can request a presentation by the OGC staff for your class or group by contacting us at 208-792-2166 or grantsoff@lcsc.edu.
New Warrior Experience
The OGC coordinates with Human Resource (HR) Services to offer brief introductory seminar's (5-15 minutes) to new LC State employee's every June, January and March.
Professional Development Training (PDT)
The OGC coordinates with HR to offer one or more PDT seminar's (30-60 minutes) every semester. A current list of scheduled PDT's can be found on the Professional Development web-page.