Performance Management
Lewis-Clark State College is committed to providing employees every opportunity to excel both personally and professionally. We know that our employees not only want to be successful, they also want to contribute to the mission of LCSC.
Building success starts with the clear communication of expectations and is enforced through a culture of continuous feedback, problem solving and goal-setting. Performance management is the framework by which a supervisor communicates expectations, accomplishments, needed improvements, and areas for future growth.
Effective performance management address concerns early on, utilizes available resources for professional growth and development, and includes positive feedback to identify and appreciate positive contributions.
Performance Management for PSO/CSO Staff
A supervisory performance evaluation focuses on assessing a supervisor's ability to lead, manage teams, and achieve organizational goals through others. Supervisory evaluations are completed to ensure effective leadership, team development, and alignment with strategic objectives. Please use this evaluation form for employees who supervise one or more benefit-eligible employees.
A nonsupervisory evaluation emphasizes individual contributions and job-specific tasks. Please use this evaluation form for employees who do not supervise benefit-eligible employees.
Performance Management Documents
Job Description Templates
*You will be redirected to the HRS Forms page, please scroll down and click on "Job Description Template" to find the correct form*
Performance Improvement Plans
Please meet with HR prior to completion:
Performance Expectation Ratings
The following rating level guidelines are examples established by the Division of Human Resources (DHR) of the performance expectations employees would be demonstrating when rated at one of the four levels. These examples are meant to assist the supervisor and employee during the performance evaluation discussion in identifying the current level of performance and describing what additional behaviors the employee would need to demonstrate to achieve a higher rating. While not all of the expectations may relate to each position, we remind supervisors that these examples serve as a guide for them and an opportunity to open discussions with the employee.
This employee performs at a level that results in significant accomplishments that may not have been otherwise achieved. This employee seeks out responsibility; shows a comprehensive understanding of the job objectives and is exemplary in meeting them. This employee is a master of the skills and abilities required for the job; is highly knowledgeable; may be sought out by others for job leadership, counsel, information, and/or direction. This employee may mentor or teach others; is a team player; creates and maintains positive working relationships; and is a role model for behaviors necessary for success.
This employee may demonstrate leadership skills. Challenging projects are assigned to this employee and are handled professionally, timely and effectively. This employee is innovative and produces an exceptional quantity of work, often ahead of schedule and with little supervision. The employee utilizes collaborative communication, actions, behaviors and work skills and develops effective working relationships with others; improves cooperation among participants in the workplace and prevents misunderstandings. This employee is proactive and demonstrates foresight in correcting situations that may cause future problems. This employee demonstrates innovation in meeting work demands.
This employee performs at a level that results in significant accomplishments and consistently strives for excellence; has a strong sense of mission and seeks out responsibility; shows a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s goals and is exemplary in meeting them. This employee is a master of the skills and abilities required for the job; is highly knowledgeable; is sought by others for leadership, counsel, information, and/or direction. This employee may mentor or teach others; creates and maintains a motivating environment conducive to retention; is a role model for behaviors necessary for success.
This employee demonstrates excellent leadership skills; leads and engages employees through change; develops innovative approaches to improve operations and/or streamline processes; coaches employees needing additional guidance or support; supports and encourages positive employee performance of staff; develops effective working partnerships with other managers, teams, units, agencies, and/or external customers; has a significant positive impact on the achievement of organizational goals. This employee is proactive and demonstrates foresight in correcting situations that may cause future problems; demonstrates innovation in meeting organizational challenges. This employee demonstrates behaviors that foster positive communication at multiple levels; inspires, challenges, and provides development opportunities for staff.
This employee is very accomplished and performs above expectations in most work areas and demonstrates consistently proficient and solid performance in meeting deadlines, using critical thinking skills and creativity to accomplish tasks, projects, and objectives.
This employee exhibits support of the Colleges’ mission and goals; This employee demonstrates behaviors that result in positive working relationships; consistently demonstrates exceptional knowledge, skills, and abilities required to meet job expectations. This employee is able to work independently with minimal supervision.
This employee is very accomplished and performs above expectations in all work areas and demonstrates consistently proficient and solid performance in meeting deadlines, using critical thinking skills and creativity to accomplish tasks, projects, and objectives. This employee is effective, consistent, and competent in working and communicating with staff; trains and guides staff and holds them accountable to meet job expectations and objectives; demonstrates behaviors that result in positive working relationships. This employee consistently demonstrates exceptional knowledge, skills, and abilities required to meet job expectations.
This employee has the ability to handle a variety of interpersonal situations; provides support and coaches employees in fulfilling their assigned responsibilities and development goals; aligns employees’ performance goals with agency goals. This employee performs above expectations in meeting deadlines, using critical thinking skills, and creativity to accomplish tasks, projects, and objectives. This employee may seek out additional responsibility.
Non-Supervisory and Supervisory:
This employee meets job expectations. This employee may sometimes require more supervision, and work may require more revision or adjustment to meet expectations. Assignments are completed but occasionally require assistance from supervisor or peers.
This employee is developing new skills and gaining new knowledge, leading toward performing all expectations and objectives of the job. This employee may be new to the position or job duties and may not have completed a full work cycle; this employee is still learning the job. This employee may need time to develop skills to be more proficient in the current position. This employee is cooperative and treats customers, coworkers, and supervisors with respect and courtesy.
Non-Supervisory and Supervisory:
This employee’s performance or behavior needs improvement and/or is inconsistent or unacceptable. This employee may fail to meet one or more core performance standards and/or key job expectations and may have an identified performance improvement plan to ensure progress toward achieving all performance expectations. Work previously identified as less than acceptable has not reached the expected level of performance.
The employee shows either unwillingness or inability to improve. Illustrative examples may include but are not limited to:
- Habitually negligent in carrying out responsibilities or performs in an unreliable or inconsistent manner when completing work.
- Requires substantial supervisory monitoring, consultation, and modification to achieve goals, priorities, and/or performance expectations in a timely and effective manner.
- Rejects new ideas without due consideration or is unwilling or unable to support change or requests for assistance.
- Fails to be accountable for actions and decisions, places blame on others, and/or looks for reasons why assignments cannot be accomplished.