Guidelines for Applications

Below are some guidelines to help you in submitting a successful application:

  • Funds are to be used to pay for activities wherein individual students or groups of students will participate in professional conferences or meetings, participate in field trips, participate in student competitions external to the campus, or will secure special speakers or other guests who provide unique services to the college community.
  • Funded activities must include or have a direct impact on LC State students.
  • Funds used for professional conferences or meetings, field trips, or student competitions may be used to pay for travel expenses (including lodging, transportation, and meals) as well as registration fees. Funds used for professional conferences or meetings, field trips, or student competitions may not be used for presentation materials or other personal expenses incurred by the traveler(s). Funds may not be used to pay for professional memberships, organizational memberships, or entertainers (other than those who are contracted to offer a scholarly, motivational, or similar talk).
  • All students traveling for an awarded event shall be currently enrolled students, and will not travel individually outside the parameters established by the application and staff/faculty member. For events taking place between semesters, students must be enrolled for the upcoming semester. 
  • At the discretion of the committee making awards in a given awarding cycle, funds may be used to pay for faculty or staff member expenses.
  • Applications are to be made through a faculty or professional staff member. Applications submitted solely by a student will not be accepted. 
  • More guidelines found in Policy 1.107.

Policy Change

  • Requested corrections or clarifications prior to the awarding of funds will need to be included with application, and a decision will be made taking into account the new information.
  • Requested corrections or alterations to an application after the awarding of funds must be submitted in writing to the Vice President for Student Affairs.  The Vice President for Student Affairs will determine if the original award may be used.
  • Funds will only be available for one year following the award.
  • All students traveling for an awarded event shall be currently enrolled students, and will not travel individually outside the parameters established by the application and staff/faculty member.
  • Funds may not be used for department social gatherings or end of semester/year social events.

NOTE:  Being awarded funds from the Institutional Development Grant does not automatically provide authorization for your trip. Please be sure to complete all necessary travel documentation prior to your trip, and work directly with your division administrative assistant for required documentation for reimbursement.  

***The grant does not reimburse anyone (including students) directly for any travel expenses***