Idaho State Regional Math Centers
In 2008, through Idaho Statute 33-1627, the Idaho legislature acknowledged that mathematical skills are increasingly important to the future academic and career success of Idaho students. To promote the improvement of mathematical instruction and student achievement, the statute calls for one or more of the following; high quality, ongoing professional development for Idaho educators, a statewide online mathematical instruction program for remedial and advancement opportunities and formative assessments to assist teacher in identification purposes. It is through this statute that the Idaho Math Initiative is funded.
The Idaho Regional Mathematics Centers are housed within the colleges of education at each of Idaho’s four-year institutions of higher education: Lewis-Clark State College, Boise State University, Idaho State University and University of Idaho. The diversity and geography associated with Idaho’s districts and schools necessitates a need for a statewide system of regional centers. Each center is staffed with Directors and Regional Specialists, all of whom have experience in K-16 mathematics education, designing and delivering professional development, instructional technologies, and educational research. Regional center staff work collaboratively with the Idaho State Department of Education and representatives from local industries, as well as faculty from higher education to ensure the best possible support is provided for each region.