Connect to Warrior Wifi
Connect to the campus wireless network anywhere on campus. There are three wireless networks available. Read more about each network below.
If you are experiencing issues, please try forgetting the network and re-connecting.
Used by Faculty and Staff on their LCSC-owned laptops. Personal computers should connect to the WarriorGuest.
Username: First part of your @lcsc.edu email address
Password: Current email password
Used by students to access the wireless.
Username: LC State Username (everything before the @students.lcstate.edu)
Password: Same password to log into WarriorHub
If using an Android phone it may ask for EAP Method which will be "PEAP" and then under CA certificate choose "don't validate".
Available for visitors and requires a password that will be given out as requested. Also may be used to connect gaming devices such as Xbox, Playstation, etc.
Important Note: Connecting to a secured wireless network does not guarantee security. Safe computing is still required, such as not clicking on fake links, or supplying personal information to phishing attempts.