
  • Anderson, J. (2021). Undulation. The Carolina Quarterly, 70(2). 72-81.

  • Daly-Galeano, M. (2020). The potential of the author society. The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, 28.

  • Minervini, A. (2020). Write what matters. Creative Commons.

  • Bezzerides, A. (2021). Evolution Gone Wrong: The Curious Reasons Why Our Bodies Work (Or Don’t). Hanover Square Press.
  • Dylan D. Miller, Aakriti Bajracharya, Gabrielle N. Dickinson, Timbre A. Durbin, John K.P.McGarry, Elijah P. Moser, Laurel A. Nuñez, Elias J. Pukkila, Phillip S. Scott, Parke J. Sutton, Nancy A. C. Johnston. Diffusive uptake rates for passive air sampling: Application to volatile organic compound exposure during FIREX-AQ campaign.  Chemosphere. Volume 287, Part 1, January 2022, 131808.

  • Scott, P. S.; Andrew, J. P.; Bundy, B. A.; Grimm, B. K.; Hamann, M. A.; Ketcherside, D. T.; Li, J.; Manangquil, M. Y.; Nunez, L. A.; Pittman, D. L.;  Rivero- Zevallos, A.; Uhlorn, R.; Johnston, N. A. C. Observations of volatile organic and sulfur compounds in ambient air and health risk assessment near a paper mill in Idaho, U. S. A.  Atmospheric Pollution Research. (2020).
  • Staton, M., Addo-Quaye, C., Cannon, N. et al. “A reference genome assembly and adaptive trait analysis of Castanea mollissima ‘Vanuxem,’ a source of resistance to chestnut blight in restoration breeding”. Tree Genetics & Genomes 16, 57 (2020).

  • Testa, P., Williams, T., Britzman, K., & Hibbing, M. (2020). Getting the Message? Choice, Self-Selection, and the Efficacy of Social Movement Arguments. Journal of Experimental Political Science, 1-14. doi:10.1017/XPS.2020.24

  • Testa, P., Britzman, K., & Hibbing, M.  (April 2021).  “Messengers Matter: Why Advancing Gender Equity Requires Male Allies.”  PS: Political Science and Politics

  • Gano-Overway, L., Thompson, M., & Van Mullem, P. (2020). National Standards for Sport Coaches: Quality Coaches, Quality Sports, 3rd Ed.  Burlington: MA, Jones & Bartlett Publishing.

  • Gillham, A. & Van Mullem, P. (2020). Coaching the coach: Helping coaches improve their performance.  In R. Resende & R. Gomes (Eds.) Coaching for Human Development and Performance in Sports. Springer Publishing.
  • Savage, J. (2021). Adapting Strength Training Instruction During COVID-19. Physical and Health Education America.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). You Play Like a Girl? Gender and Image in High School Yearbooks. The Sport Journal (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). Finding Their Niche: The Story of the Lewis-Clark Valley Loggers Football Program (part 4). PHE America (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. & Stoll, S. (2021, Winter). Re-envisioning Gender in Sports. Idaho Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021, Winter). Body Image, Media, and Personal Health: A Teaching Activity. Idaho Journal of Health, Physical Education, and Dance (online).
  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). Lessons Learned While Teaching During a Pandemic. Textshop Experiments: Pedagogy Pop Up, 7.5 (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. & Harwick, K. (2020). Stress and Helping Professions:  Student Perception. Rn Idaho, 43(2), 5-6.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). Creating Community in Online Classes: Drawing from the Strengths of Virtual Fitness Programs. PHE America (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). For the Love of the Game: The Story of the Lewis-Clark Valley Loggers Football Program (part 1). PHE America (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). An Idea and a Dream Bob Could Not Let Go: The Story of the Lewis-Clark Valley Loggers Football Program (part 2). PHE America (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). It’s All About the Kids: The Story of the Lewis-Clark Valley Loggers Football Program (part 3). PHE America (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020, December). (Resource Review). Transnational Sport in the American West: Oaxaca California Basketball. Sociology of Sport Journal, 37(4), 378-379.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). How Not To Go To Law School and Other Musings From a Non-Traditional Student During a Pandemic. Idaho Law Review, 56, 591-592.

  • Van Mullem, L.*** & Van Mullem, H. (2020). Learning During a Pandemic. Empathetic Educators, 1(1), 34-36.

  • Van Mullem, P. (2020). Quality sport coaching in action: The application of the national standards for sport coaches to intercollegiate sport context. Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, 33, 28-35.

  • Van Mullem, P. & Croft, C. (2020). Coach development: Practical recommendations for collegiate sport. International Sport Coaching Journal, 7(3), 370-379.

  • Van Mullem, P.& Showalter, D. (2020, October 25). Leadership Lesson: Teach Work Ethic, Stay Humble, and Surround Yourself With Good People.  PHE America.

*Undergraduate Student; ** Graduate Student; *** High School Student


  • Anderson, Jennifer, Foundation Award, LC State, April.

  • Anderson, Jennifer, Women’s Leadership Award, LC State, March.

  • Spencer Payton received the President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching from LCSC on April 9, 2021. 
  • Loralee Ohrtman received the Professional Staff Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.
  •  Nancy Johnston received the GEM Innovator Award for Teaching in the Scientific Ways of Knowing area from the Idaho State Board of Education in October of 2020.
  • Rachel Jameton won the Women's Leadership Award at LC State March 2021.
  • Nancy Johnston received the NASA Group Achievement Award, Firex-AQ in July 2020.

  • Leif Hoffmann received the J. Anthony and Diane Fernández Faculty Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Manee Moua received the Annice Edmundson Faculty Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Lauren Nichols received the Dr. Cameron D. & Marilyn K. Hinman Employee Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Gene Straughan received the J. Anthony and Diane Fernández Faculty Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

 Van Mullem, H. (2020). Western Society for Kinesiology and Wellness (WSKW) 2020 Outstanding Faculty Poster Award for “Student-Athlete Academic Success and High-Impact Practices.”


  • Anderson, Jennifer, Foundation Award, LC State, April.

  • Anderson, Jennifer, Women’s Leadership Award, LC State, March.

  • Spencer Payton received the President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching from LCSC on April 9, 2021. 
  • Loralee Ohrtman received the Professional Staff Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.
  •  Nancy Johnston received the GEM Innovator Award for Teaching in the Scientific Ways of Knowing area from the Idaho State Board of Education in October of 2020.
  • Rachel Jameton won the Women's Leadership Award at LC State March 2021.
  • Nancy Johnston received the NASA Group Achievement Award, Firex-AQ in July 2020.

  • Leif Hoffmann received the J. Anthony and Diane Fernández Faculty Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Manee Moua received the Annice Edmundson Faculty Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Lauren Nichols received the Dr. Cameron D. & Marilyn K. Hinman Employee Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Gene Straughan received the J. Anthony and Diane Fernández Faculty Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Adams, E.*, Jones, C.* & Robinson, C. (2021). “What form of iron is absorbed better by the body, and as a result, improves the health and performance of endurance athletes bests?” Student Poster Presentation at Idaho Higher Education Research Conference, Boise, ID.

  • Menti, B.*, Smith, C.*, Colburn, T.* & Robinson, C. (2021). “Effects of Bio-Electro Magnetic Energy Regulation on Aerobic Capacity (VT).” Student Poster Presentation at Idaho Higher Education Research Conference, Boise, ID.

  • Van Mullem, P., Nevills, S., Stets, E. & Carter, M. (2021). Athlete A. SHAPE America Webinars.

  • Gano-Overway, L., Van Mullem, P., and Thompson, M. (2021, April 16, 2021). National Standards for Sports Coaches Lunch & Learn. SHAPE America National Virtual Convention.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). “Glamour Shots or Athletic Competence?: Gender and Sports Photos in High School Yearbooks.” Poster Session at the North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) Conference (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). “You Should Really Get Some Exercise!: Addressing Fatphobia and Systemic Oppression in Fitness Culture.” North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) Pre-Workshop (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). “Running for Much More than a Medal: Female Athletes, Activism & the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) Movement.” Southern Connecticut State University Women & Gender Studies Conference (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). “Engaging & Interactive Learning Activities for Sport Sociology Classes.” College Sports Research Institute (CSRI) Conference (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). “Learn, Work, and Lead: Utilizing a Work Scholars Program to Enhance Skill Development and Employment Preparation in Kinesiology.” American Kinesiology Association (AKA) Leadership Workshop (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). “Teaching During a Pandemic: Using Virtual Fitness Programming Principles to Create Community in Online Classes.” American Kinesiology Association (AKA) Undergraduate Education Pre-Workshop (online).

  • Kalmbach, R.* & Van Mullem, H. (2021). “Self-Presentation in a Pandemic: Female Olympic Track & Field Athletes Use of Instagram During COVID-19.” Pacific Sociological Association (PSA) Annual Conference (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). “Using Sneaker Culture to Explore Social Meaning about Race, Class, Politics, and Gender: A Teaching Activity.” Pacific Sociological Association (PSA) Annual Conference (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). “#(in)visiblepresence: Native American Female Athletes, Instagram, and Self-Representation.” Far West Popular Culture Association (FWPCA) Conference (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). “Identifying Bias in Health and Fitness Imagery in Social Media: A Teaching Strategy.” Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) Idaho Winter Webinar (online).

  • Poole, C.* & Van Mullem, H. (2021). “Students as Pedagogical Partners: Reflections on a Semester of a Student-Faculty Partnership to Improve Instruction.” Lewis-Clark State College Center for Teaching and Learning (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). “Motivation, Excellence, and Growth: Exploring Performance Psychology as a Career.” Hermiston, Oregon High School Healthcare Internship Class Virtual Presentation.

  • Minervini, A. & Van Mullem, H. (2021). “Tools for Engagement and Assignment Choice.” Lewis-Clark State College Center for Teaching and Learning (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). “Much More Than Meets the Ear: Effective Communication Strategies for Kinesiology Leaders.” American Kinesiology Association (AKA) Leadership Institute (online).

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). “Gender and Imagery in High School Yearbooks: An Analysis of 75 Years of Sports Photos. Poster Session at the North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) Conference, Chicago, IL. (Conference cancelled).

  • Weber, E.** & Van Mullem, H. (2020). “Gender, Body Norms, and Sports Apparel Advertisements.” Eleventh International Conference on Sport and Society, Poster Session at Virtual Conference.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). “Got Butterflies?: Tips & Techniques to Manage Anxiety in Sport.” AthleteTalk Video Series.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). “’Fitspiration’ vs. ‘Thinspiration’: Is There A Difference?” Tenth International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society, Poster Session at Virtual Conference.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). “Creating Community in Online Courses: Utilizing the Strengths of CrossFit. LCSC CTL. Building Relationships in an Online World” LC CTL Summer Workshop.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). “Creating Community in Online Courses: Drawing from the Strengths of Virtual Fitness Programs.” SHAPE Idaho “Meeting of the Minds: COVID-19” Virtual Workshop.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). “Teaching During a Pandemic: Using CrossFit Principles to Create Community in Online Classes.” International eSymposium: Remote Teaching for Student Wellness, University of British Columbia.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). “Motivation, Excellence, and Growth: Exploring Performance Psychology as a Career.” Hermiston High School Healthcare Internship Class.

  • Van Mullem. H. (2020). “Teaching During a Pandemic: Using Virtual Fitness Programming Principles to Create Community in Online Classes.” Western Society of Kinesiology & Wellness (WSKW) Virtual Conference.

  • Van Mullem. H. (2020). “Student-Athlete Academic Success and High-Impact Practices.” Poster Session at Western Society of Kinesiology & Wellness (WSKW) Virtual Conference.

  • Van Mullem. H. (2020). “Instructional Physical Activity Programs, Student Wellness & Student Retention.” Western Society of Kinesiology & Wellness (WSKW) Virtual Conference.

  • Van Mullem. H. (2020). “Do You See What I See?: Using Basketball State Championship Media Guide Covers to Engage Students in Conversations about Gender and Media.” SHAPE Washington Virtual Workshop.

  • Van Mullem. H. (2020). “Identifying Bias in Health and Fitness Imagery in Social Media: A Teaching Strategy.” SHAPE Washington Virtual Workshop.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). “20 Seconds on the Clock…and…Go!: Using “Hedbanz” to Review Course Concepts.” Professors at Play Virtual Playposium.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). “Instructional Physical Activity Programs, Student Wellness, and Student Retention.” National Association of Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE) Virtual Conference.

  • Savage, J. (2021). Working Through the Stress. Lewis-Clark State College Stress Management Lunch and Learn, oral presentation.  (Spring)

  • Savage, J. (2020). Working Through the Stress. Lewis-Clark State College Stress Management Lunch and Learn, oral presentation.  (Fall)

  • Savage, J. (2020). Badititude: A Barrier to Being Well. Lewis-Clark State College Center for Teaching and Learning, oral presentation.  (Summer)


  • Anderson, Jennifer, Foundation Award, LC State, April.

  • Anderson, Jennifer, Women’s Leadership Award, LC State, March.

  • Spencer Payton received the President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching from LCSC on April 9, 2021. 
  • Loralee Ohrtman received the Professional Staff Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.
  •  Nancy Johnston received the GEM Innovator Award for Teaching in the Scientific Ways of Knowing area from the Idaho State Board of Education in October of 2020.
  • Rachel Jameton won the Women's Leadership Award at LC State March 2021.
  • Nancy Johnston received the NASA Group Achievement Award, Firex-AQ in July 2020.

  • Leif Hoffmann received the J. Anthony and Diane Fernández Faculty Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Manee Moua received the Annice Edmundson Faculty Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Lauren Nichols received the Dr. Cameron D. & Marilyn K. Hinman Employee Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Gene Straughan received the J. Anthony and Diane Fernández Faculty Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

Faculty-Student Conferences, Service Learning, Field Experience, and Other Collaborations

  • Anderson, Jennifer, Foundation Award, LC State, April.

  • Anderson, Jennifer, Women’s Leadership Award, LC State, March.

  • Spencer Payton received the President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching from LCSC on April 9, 2021. 
  • Loralee Ohrtman received the Professional Staff Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.
  •  Nancy Johnston received the GEM Innovator Award for Teaching in the Scientific Ways of Knowing area from the Idaho State Board of Education in October of 2020.
  • Rachel Jameton won the Women's Leadership Award at LC State March 2021.
  • Nancy Johnston received the NASA Group Achievement Award, Firex-AQ in July 2020.

  • Leif Hoffmann received the J. Anthony and Diane Fernández Faculty Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Manee Moua received the Annice Edmundson Faculty Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Lauren Nichols received the Dr. Cameron D. & Marilyn K. Hinman Employee Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Gene Straughan received the J. Anthony and Diane Fernández Faculty Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

Performance and Exhibits

  • Anderson, Jennifer, Foundation Award, LC State, April.

  • Anderson, Jennifer, Women’s Leadership Award, LC State, March.

  • The Anthropology Club; the Multicultural Student Organization; Social Sciences faculty members Kerensa Allison and Manee Moua; and faculty, staff, and students from across campus collaborated to put on a virtual Multicultural Awareness Week from September 14-18, 2020.  Activities included an indigenous foods demonstration, speakers and panel discussions about race, a “Share Your Story” contest, and a virtual dance party.

  • Students from POLS 392: Campaigns and Elections, the History Club, the PoliSci Club, and the Women in Lasting Leadership Club worked with faculty members Kylee Britzman and Leif Hoffmann to put together a brief Youtube video in September to encourage students to register to vote in the November 3 election.

Professional Development: Degrees, Credentials, Certifications

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA) Title IX Coordinator Level Five Certificate.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA) Title IX Coordinator Level One Certificate

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). ACUE Certificate of Effective College Instruction.

  • Bezzerides, J. (2020). The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Virtual Learning Module Certificate, “Supporting Heritage Language Learners.”
  • Bezzerides, J. (2020). The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Virtual Learning Module Certificate, “Exploring Multiliteracies in Language Teaching.”
  • Bezzerides, J. (2020). The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Virtual Learning Module Certificate, “Engaging All Language Learners.”


  • Spencer Payton received the President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching from LCSC on April 9, 2021. 
  • Loralee Ohrtman received the Professional Staff Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.
  •  Nancy Johnston received the GEM Innovator Award for Teaching in the Scientific Ways of Knowing area from the Idaho State Board of Education in October of 2020.
  • Rachel Jameton won the Women's Leadership Award at LC State March 2021.
  • Nancy Johnston received the NASA Group Achievement Award, Firex-AQ in July 2020.

  • Leif Hoffmann received the J. Anthony and Diane Fernández Faculty Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Manee Moua received the Annice Edmundson Faculty Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Lauren Nichols received the Dr. Cameron D. & Marilyn K. Hinman Employee Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Gene Straughan received the J. Anthony and Diane Fernández Faculty Excellence Award from LCSC on April 9, 2021.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2021). Institutional Development Grant, Lewis-Clark State College, awarded $330 for registration fees for ten (10) Sport Administration degree seeking students to attend the University of Miami Global Sport Industry Conference during the Spring 2021 semester.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). LC State Faculty Development Grant: $525 awarded to  attend and present at virtual academic conferences during the Spring 2021 semester.

  • Van Mullem, H. (2020). LC State Institutional Development Grant: $375 awarded for 15 students to attend the Green Sports Alliance Virtual Summit during the Fall 2020 semester.