Assistive Technology and Accessibility Accommodations
The LC State Library supports the American Library Association's interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights regarding Library Services for People with Disabilities.
Access to Library Services
The LC State Library is committed to providing access to the library facility, materials, and services to all of its users. All staff members will make every effort to accommodate reasonable requests from users with disabilities. If your disability is invisible, please identify yourself as having a disability when seeking assistance.
Upon request, the library will offer an orientation with a staff member, at which time a discussion of the specific types of assistance may take place.
Building Access
- The library entrance doors have automatic door openers.
- The library elevator provides access to the second floor.
Computers/Assistive Technology
- Public computers are available in the Library, including one with access to ZoomText and JAWS screen reading software.
Finding Materials
- Librarians will provide one-on-one instruction on the use of electronic and print resources.
- Library databases, including streaming video services, are ADA-compliant. Most articles are screen-reader compatible, and most videos have accompanying transcripts.
Retrieving Materials
- If you need assistance retrieving books, please ask for assistance at the Circulation Counter.
Borrowing Materials
- The library will mail materials to students who are not able to visit the library building.
- Students with a documented disability who require another person to check out materials for them may apply for an LC State Library proxy card through the Accessibility Services office.
- With the exception of course reserves, the library will adjust loan periods to accommodate students, staff, and faculty with documented disabilities.
- Library staff will provide assistance with scanning articles and printing microform to users with disabilities that prevent the use of self-service machines.
- Library staff will provide assistance with media equipment.
For more information check out the Accessibility Services department.