LC State Campus

News Release

Grant connects educators, mentors to spur student interest in engineering technology

LEWISTON, Idaho - Lewis-Clark State College Workforce Training has partnered with the University of Idaho, Clearwater Economic Development Association, Northwest Manufacturers Association, Valley Vision and six regional high schools in a National Science Foundation grant designed to increase student knowledge about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics careers in manufacturing. 

One activity of the grant was to develop a mentoring partnership between the high schools and a manufacturer near each school, according to Dr. Linda S. Stricklin, LCSC Director of Workforce Training. 

“The grant has been very successful in that we brought together partners and sectors that normally do not connect to work toward common goals,” said Stricklin.  “Knowledge about manufacturing in our rural region has increased in the schools through grant activities, hopefully spurring kids into to fulfilling, livable wage careers in this geographical area.”

Stricklin said the grant ends on June 30, 2014 but that Workforce Training is planning to apply for another NSF grant in October to build on the project, take activities to more schools, and increase the subject areas to machining, welding, and business functions involved with manufacturing. 

To read more about the mentor program please go to:

For additional information, please contact Dr. Stricklin at 208.792.2388 or