Sacajawea Hall

News Release

Van Mullem to participate in Emerging Leaders Program

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU) announced on Wednesday that Heather Van Mullem, chair of the Education and Kinesiology Division at Lewis-Clark State College, was one of 25 candidates selected to participate in the inaugural class of AASCU’s Emerging Leaders Program. 

The three-day seminar of which Van Mullem will be a part is to be held June 11-14 in Washington, D.C. It is designed for promising mid-career professionals and faculty leaders in higher education. 

“I am honored to have been chosen to participate in the Emerging Leaders Program,” Van Mullem said. “I am excited for the opportunity to learn and grow, both personally and professionally.” 

In addition to strengthening and enhancing leadership skills, participants in the Emerging Leaders Program will have the opportunity to engage in a national dialogue with experienced leaders and experts in higher education and to develop a network of colleagues from across the country. The program includes opportunities for hands-on practical exercises, a leadership self-assessment, and the development of a plan designed to help participants achieve their leadership goals. 

Participants are nominated for the Emerging Leaders Program by presidents, chancellors, and cabinet-level administrators. Van Mullem, who received LCSC’s President's Award for Excellence in Diversity & Cross-Cultural Understanding in April, was nominated by Mary Flores, the school’s dean for academic programs. 

“As chair of Education and Kinesiology, Heather Van Mullem has been a leader in LCSC Academic Programs, as well as an active member of regional and state committees devoted to ensuring high-quality higher education outcomes in Idaho,” said Flores. “I am confident her participation in ELP will enhance and expand her contributions to LCSC’s role and mission.” 

The AASCU is a Washington, D.C.-based higher education association of more than 400 public colleges, universities, and systems whose members share a learning- and teaching-centered culture, a historic commitment to underserved student populations, and a dedication to research and creativity that advances their regions’ economic progress and cultural development.