Auto Mechanics Technology
Learn skills for servicing and repairing all systems of cars and trucks in LC State's brand new state-of-the-art Schweitzer CTE Center.
There is instruction in engines, chassis, standard and automatic transmissions, electrical, safety, brakes, and advanced computerized fuel systems. Students also work on customer projects and training aids. Shop experience is combined with courses of related theory. Emphasis is placed on competency in technical skills and completing specified course objectives before moving to other instructional segments. The program includes internship opportunities where students obtain advanced on-the-job training.
Related Careers
• Vehicle mechanic, install, repair, $52,750
• Automotive service technicians/mechanics, $49,690
• Small engine mechanics, $45,560
• Automotive dealers, $47,620
Career data and salary information is from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Contact Information
Admissions Office
Reid Centennial Hall 114
500 8th Avenue
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
- 208-792-2378
- 800-933-5272 ext. 2378 (toll free)
- 208-792-2876 (fax)
- Mon-Thu, 8:00 - 5:00
Technical & Industrial
Schweitzer Career & Technical Education Center 216
2947 Cecil Andrus Way
Lewiston, ID 83501