Exercise Science
Find your career path in physical sciences, kinesiology and health and help others move forward.
A major in Exercise Science prepares you to integrate principles from the physical sciences, kinesiology, and health into the study of the science of human movement. Students who pursue this degree often plan to attend professional post-baccalaureate programs in the Allied Health Sciences (i.e. physical therapy, occupational therapy, sports medicine, cardiac rehabilitation, etc.). These students go on to be successful in a variety of allied health fields that are clinically-oriented, diverse, and that place an emphasis on research-based practice. This program involves an advisor from both the Movement and Sports Science Division and the Natural Sciences & Mathematics Division.
Related Careers
- Health education specialist, $66,710
- Occupational therapist, $92,800
- Physical therapist, $97,960
- Exercise physiologist, $55,820
- Exercise trainer and group instructor, $50,170
- Athletic trainer, $57,810
- Massage therapist, $57,060
- Community health workers, $49,900
Career data and salary information is from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
“LC’s Senior Research project process helped me immensely in the transition into doctorate research in Physical Therapy school. The process of learning statistics, getting IRB approval, recruiting subjects, collecting data, and presenting the research made my transition into my capstone research much more smooth and comfortable.” - Dr. Annie Kane ‘13, Physical Therapist
Contact Information
Admissions Office
Reid Centennial Hall 114
500 8th Avenue
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
- 208-792-2378
- 800-933-5272 ext. 2378 (toll free)
- 208-792-2876 (fax)
- admissions@lcsc.edu
- Mon-Fri, 8:00 - 5:00
Physical, Life, Movement & Sport Sciences Division
Meriwether Lewis Hall 306
500 8th Avenue
Lewiston, Idaho 83501