LC State’s policy 3.136 has been put in place to ensure that a safe and secure environment is maintained at the college at all times.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. You must receive permission from the President's Office or designee. Forms requesting permission are available online or can be found in the Public Safety office.

No. Idaho statute applies to all areas of campus. However, unauthorized disclosure/brandishing of weapons, whether intentional or accidental is not permitted, nor are verbal comments which create a threatening environment. Contact Public Safety if these situations occur.

Yes. Individuals will still be responsible for following lab or workshop area safety restrictions (proximity to live electric circuits) or in situations where concealment is not practical.

No. See the firearms policy for steps needed to obtain permission from the President of the College for case-by-case exceptions under which open carry is permitted.

No. The restriction applies at Harris Field and the Activity Center at all times.

Yes. LCSC firearm policy does not override restrictions which may be in place at facilities owned and operated by outside organizations and agencies.

Contact The Department of Public Safety (208-792-2226) or local law enforcement without delay.

Yes. The Department of Public Safety has the capability to store personal firearms on a short- or long-term basis. Public Safety operates on a 24/7 basis every day of the year. Contact them if you have questions or need assistance.

Contact your local Sheriff's Office.

Yes. The LC State firearms policy can be found HERE.