Incompletes & Repeats
Incomplete Grades
An 'I' grade indicates that 80% of the coursework is completed, but not all requirements have been met by the end of the term. A student must request an incomplete grade after discussion with the instructor. Instructors may submit an Incomplete with an expiration date NOT extending past the end of the following term. If a date is used past the end of the term, it will be changed to the last date of the semester.
NOTE: an incomplete grade can affect the student receiving financial aid the next semester as it is considered non-completed credits. The student should check with the Financial Aid Office in RCH 110 on how this will impact their aid.
Once work is completed and turned in by the student, the instructor will complete a "change of grade" form under the Faculty menu in WarriorWeb. The form is sent to the Registrar's Office for the student's grade to be changed and verified. The student's academic standing will also be updated if needed.
All 'I' grades automatically expire to an 'F' if the completion date is not met. Students are notified of this, just as they are for grade changes. Students who earn an Incomplete in their final semester before graduating have six weeks to complete their coursework and receive a final letter grade.
Repeated Classes
Students may repeat courses in which they were previously enrolled. However, credit is usually allowed only once, and the grade point average will reflect the most recent repeated grade. While the original course and grade remain on the permanent transcript, they are not used to calculate the cumulative grade point average.