Term Honors
President's List
Based on semester GPA of 3.75 or above while carrying a minimum of 12 semester college level (numbered 100 or above) credits on the A/F grading system.
Dean's List
Based on semester GPA of 3.25-3.749 while carrying a minimum of 12 semester college level (numbered 100 or above) credits on the A/F grading system.
Graduation Honors
Commencement (Walking) Honors
Walking honors are for students who complete requirements in May or August and participate in Spring commencement. These honors are calculated throughout Spring term using all credits earned (both LCSC credits as well as all transfer credits) prior to Spring commencement.
Walking honors are used solely for honor cord purposes. Cords for Fall graduates of the same academic year will be distributed based on their Final Honors upon degree conferral.
Walking honors are not your official LC honors. Your graduation (final) honors will be calculated after Spring semester grades are verified by the Registrar's Office and may differ from your determined Walking Honor.
Grade points for courses “academically forgiven” will be used to calculate graduation honors. This is regardless of whether the academic forgiveness was granted at LCSC or another college. For either the walking or final honors, the number of credits used will be inclusive of courses graded Pass (P).
Graduation (Final) Honors
Final honors are calculated using all credits earned (both LCSC credits as well as all final credits) at the time of graduation. Final honors are posted to the transcript and the diploma.
Grade points for courses “academically forgiven” will be used to calculate graduation honors. This is regardless of whether the academic forgiveness was granted at LCSC or another college. For either the walking or final honors the number of credits used will be inclusive of courses graded Pass (P).
Baccalaureate Degree Graduates
Based on cumulative GPA (Including all transfer coursework):
Cum laude – 3.7 (Silver cords)
Magna cum laude – 3.8 (Gold cords)
Summa cum laude – 3.9 (Silver and Gold cords)
Associate Degree Graduates
Based on cumulative GPA (Including all transfer coursework):
President's Honors – 3.75 (Blue and White cords)