Need to stay on campus during one of the breaks?

Fall Break Stay Application - Application opens each October and stays open until one week before Fall Break begins. It closes again at that time until the next year. 

Winter Break Stay Application - Application opens each November. Applications accepted only until the Wednesday one week prior to end of semester in December and May.

Spring Break Stay Application - Application opens each March and stays open until one week prior to Spring Break. It closes again at that time until the next year.

Fall/Spring Break Stay FAQs

  • Will I lose door access during Fall/Spring Break? Unless you have applied for break, then yes you will lose door access. Fall/Spring Breaks are during our contract period, so students are welcome to be here for no charge, but we do need ALL students who plan to be here during Fall/Spring Break to fill out an application, because we need to keep an accurate count for emergency purposes. If you do not fill out an application, you will not have access during break to the halls.
  • Fall/Spring Break Dining Service and Meals Provided? Dining services are closed from the Friday break starts, breakfast service the last meal, through the Sunday break ends, dinner service being the first meal.
  • Will there be on-call support? The duty phone will be available for calls, as well as Public Safety.
  • Can I still receive mail and packages? Mail is still delivered to campus, but is held in the mail room until break is over.
  • What is the guest policy? No visiting guests are allowed. Overnight guests are not permitted.

Winter Break Stay FAQs

  • Will I lose door access during Winter Break? Yes, Winter Break is not within the contract period, so all students are required to be checked out of their dorm room by noon on the last day of the semester. Residents will have their building access turned off until halls open for Spring Semester move-in. If you need to stay during break, you are required to submit an application.  Approvals are granted on a very limited basis.
  • Does it cost to stay during Winter Break? Yes, once you submit your application, we will let you know your cost. Payment is due by the last Friday of the semester at noon.  It is $25/day or $475 for the month.
  • Dining Services Availability? There are no dining services during winter break. Beginning December 17th at lunch until January 13th at lunch, dining services are closed. The Warrior Panty is available to ALL students who need help. Please visit their website to see hours during break.
  • Emergency and Lock out services? Public Safety will be your primary call during breaks, 208-792-2815.
  • Mail Services? Mail will still be delivered to the campus mail room, but will be held there until Spring Semester begins. If you are not returning to LC State, we will try to work with you to forward your mail for 2 weeks and then all non-returning resident mail will be returned to sender.
  • Guests and Quiet Hours? No guests are allowed for students who are approved to stay during break. No overnight stays are allowed. 24 hour quiet hours are in place during breaks.