Clubs and Organizations
Get Involved!
Connecting learning to life... There is no better way to make life-long friends, to realize your dreams and to put your classroom skills intro practice than to become active in the campus and LC Valley community. Many of our students have developed leadership skills and made important contacts through joining one or several of our Social Sciences Division clubs.
Anthropology Club
The purpose of this club is:
- To promote anthropology interest and awareness;
- To examine issues of oppression, inclusivity, equity, and social justice;
- To support programs and opportunities which increase the diversity of people included, especially under-represented groups.
- To enhance educational opportunities of the Division and to provide further enrichment outside the classroom;
- To foster collaboration between the college, community, and anthropology organizations.
Membership is open to all students. The club will meet once a month during the academic year.
For more information, contact the Club advisor, Dr. Kerensa Allison, at klallison@lcsc.edu
Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
The Gender & Sexuality Alliance Club provides a safe environment for the discussion and exchange of ideas about LGTBQIA+ issues on campus, in the community, and in everyday life. The club also provides:
- Education and fun events that is open to everyone.
- To work towards a more accepting environment for all people, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender presentation or expression, or romantic orientations through education, support, social action, and advocacy.
- To promote tolerance and acceptance throughout the school community and to provide a safe, non-judgmental space as a support network for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Straight youth who share a common vision of social equality.
For more information contact club advisors Dr. R. Genthôs, rigenthos@lcsc.edu or Amy Bond atbond@lcsc.edu
Justice Studies
The purpose of this club is:
- To promote criminal justice interest and awareness;
- To examine issues of social justice and fairness within criminal justice;
- To enhance educational opportunities of the department and to provide further enrichment outside the classroom;
- To foster collaboration between the college, community, and criminal justice organizations.
Membership is open to all students, regardless of major. The club will meet once a month during the academic year. For more information contact club advisor Angela Wartel, arwartel@lcsc.edu.
Native American
The goal of the Native American Club is to assist and promote all Native American students toward completion of a college education. Students participate in activities such as the promotion and planning of Native American Awareness Week, fundraising projects, social and cultural activities reflecting Native American culture, encouraging higher education to local communities, and to provide student-to-student support. All students are welcome to be a part of the Native American Club.
For more information contact club advisors Robert Sobotta, bsobotta@lcsc.edu, or Sam White Temple, tswhite-temple@lcsc.edu
Phi Alpha Honor Society (Coeur d'Alene)
The purpose of this club is:
- To provide a closer bond among students of social work
- To provide humanitarian goals and ideals
- To foster high standards of education and invites membership to those who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work
- To foster collaboration between the community and the college
- To provide service to our community
Phi Alpha is a national honor society dedicated specifically to social workers across the U.S. Phi Alpha is founded on the values of humanitarianism, professional development and research. One of the missions of Phi Alpha Honor Society is to foster connections and bonds amongst social workers who uphold the values of the organization. Membership is open to social work students who have completed 12 credits of social work courses with a cumulative GPA of 3.5. For more information please contact club advisor, Marte White at mwhite@lcsc.edu.
Poli Sci
The purpose of this club is:
- To increase interest and awareness about the social sciences
- To examine and discuss political issues
- To enhance educational opportunities of the department and to provide further enrichment outside the classroom;
- To foster collaboration between the college, community, and political science organizations.
- To provide professionalization and networking opportunities
Membership is open to all students, regardless of major. The club will meet once a month during the academic year.
For more information contact club advisors Dr. Kylee Britzman, kjbritzman@lcsc.edu or Dr. Leif Hoffmann, lshoffmann@lcsc.edu
The Psych Club promotes interest, awareness, learning and advancement in the field of psychology. We hope to spread awareness on different topics within the field of psychology. The club is not limited to psychology majors and is open to anyone with an interest in psychology. The meetings consist of planning events as well as discussions in various fields of psychology and how they relate to college students.
For information contact club advisor Dr. Leanne Parker, lrparker@lcsc.edu
SOSW (Lewiston and CDA campus)
Student Organization of Social Workers (SOSW) provides opportunities for service learning through community service and charity work, and is open to social work students or any interested LCSC student.
For more information contact club advisors, on the Lewiston campus, Lauren Nichols, laurenn@lcsc.edu and on the Coeur d'Alene campus, Tiffany Renner, tarenner@lcsc.edu
Phi Alpha Theta/Warrior History
Phil Alpha Theta is the National History Honor Society. It meets in conjunction with the Warrior History Club. The purpose of the club is:
- To promote the study of history and the exchange of ideas;
- To bring students together for intellectual and social exchanges.
Membership in the Warrior History Club is open to all students, regardless of major. Membership in Phi Alpha Theta is by nomination, based on credits and GPA.
For more information contact club advisor Dr. Amanda Van Lanen, alvanlanen@lcsc.edu
Women in Lasting Leadership
Women in Lasting Leadership (WILL) provides LCSC students opportunities to empower themselves, to gain experience in real world situations, and to connect with others. All majors are welcome.
For more information on club meetings (times and dates) or events, please contact club advisor Dr. Amy Canfield, aecanfield@lcsc.edu