Glossary of Financial Terms
Though the official method for communication is WarriorMail, it is important to have accurate and updated mailing addresses! Tax statements and other important items are often sent to your local or home (permanent) address.
Please notify the Registrar’s Office of any address changes. You can submit a change of name/address form found on the Registrar's Office website or send a message from your WarriorMail to the Registrar's Office. It is also helpful to have your phone number accurate. Please check your LC e-mail often for important information.
LC State refers to bills as your Student Account Activity & Statement.
Before registering all students must complete and agree to the Conditions Of Registration. The link is found on the Student menu of Warrior Web. The link is disabled after the deadline to register has passed. The Financial Liability Agreement provides fee payment deadlines, when late fees are assessed, consequences of late payments including notifications regarding account placement with collection agencies and other important financial liability information.
Effective Spring 2021 all courses have specific fees associated to the course, in addition to the tuition charged to take the course. Course fees can be viewed on Warrior Web, under the Section Results page.
Privileges generally granted to students, including the receipt of diplomas, are not available to students who are delinquent in the payment of any financial obligation to the Institution. When financial obligations are not paid in full by the due date, or satisfactory arrangements for payment have not been made with the Controller, or his/her designee, students may not be allowed to remain in class and will not be allowed to register for ensuing classes. Delinquent accounts are referred to a commercial collection agency. In addition to any balances owed, students are responsible for the costs of collection, including interest, penalties and collection agency fees (which may be based on a percentage of the debt).
TAX RELIEF ACT OF 1997 The Taxpayer Relief Act (TRA) of 1997 created two new tax benefits for families who are paying for higher education. There are also benefits for people who are repaying student loans. Whether you may take advantage of the tax credits depends on your individual facts and circumstances. Lewis-Clark State College cannot make this determination for you.
For further guidance, you may visit the IRS web site or the United States Department of Education.
A 1098-T form is available on WarriorWeb. Forms will also be mailed to students by January 31 each year to the home (permanent) mailing address for the student, unless the student has opted for electronic forms only. Please make sure your address is correct. Statement information is available for the prior year on WarriorWeb which will provide you with the amount of your payments and any financial aid that was applied to your student account. View your Student Account Statement on WarriorWeb for details on charges and payments. PLEASE NOTE: If you have problems viewing or printing the 1098T form, please try a different browser. Students have had trouble printing when using Chrome.
Students no longer need to mail payments or go to the Cashier's Window. Online payments can be made by logging in to WarriorWeb. Credit/debit cards and electronic checks can be made at your convenience any time of the day or night. See Payment Options for details!
Residual funds can be directly deposited into your bank account. Electronic disbursements have priority processing and are released before paper checks can be printed and processed. See Residual Checks/ Residual Disbursements for more details!
Federal regulations require all NEW borrowers to attend an entrance counseling session before their first check can be disbursed. Entrance and exit counseling can be completed at www.studentaid.gov
Federal Perkins and Nursing loan recipients must complete entrance and exit counseling with Student Accounts staff before loan funds can be processed.
Students are required, for each semester in which they enroll, to submit their acceptance of the LCSC financial agreement using Conditions of Registration. The Financial Agreement is the legal agreement regarding enrollment, fee payment, late fees, ramifications of delinquent accounts, etc.
The Financial Aid Office awards students a variety of funding options including scholarships, waivers and federal financial aid. Student Accounts staff disburses the funds and applies the funding to your student account. Aid is considered 'disbursed' when it is posted to your Student Account. Some students will still have a balance to pay after aid is disbursed; some students will have more financial aid funding than is billed to their student account. This will leave a credit on the Student Account and the residual funds will be processed to the student. See Residual Checks, Residual Disbursements for more details.
Loans are disbursed in two payments over the loan period. The loan period runs from Fall term through Spring term.
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires institutions to withhold tax on non-qualified scholarships/funding for international students. Student Accounts contacts international students to obtain documentation to determine if the 14% tax rate for housing and meals, or the 30% tax rate for prizes/gifts, can be reduced using the foreign country's tax treaty and other information.
By registering for class(es) a financial obligation to LCSC is created. See the Early College Programs webpage for registration and fee payment due dates for dual credit classes taken at the HIGH SCHOOL.
High school students taking classes at LCSC, or over the internet, must pay fees by the fifth official day of the LCSC spring/fall semester. Late fees may be applied to student accounts with an unpaid balance at the end of the fifth day and thereafter.
Whether fees are paid with cash, check, money order, or credit card * (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa), or by some other means, it is your responsibility to satisfy your financial obligation by the appropriate deadline.
*All debit/credit card payments will incur a 2.5% service fee from our processor ACI Payments, Inc.
Late fees are assessed to student accounts when there is a balance owed after the fee payment deadline. It is the student's responsibility to make sure their student account balance is paid in full or have a payment plan contract signed, by the fee payment deadline to avoid late fees. A $100 late fee is assessed after day 5. Classes can be canceled for non-payment if the balance remains outstanding. Late fees can also be assessed for missing a payment on a payment plan contract.
International students receiving scholarships and/or waivers that pay housing, meals, or exceed tuition and fees are considered non-qualified and are subject to tax. Documentation provided by the student can reduce withholding tax from 14% to 0% depending on treaties and the student's unique situation.
Gift cards, prizes and other funding is also taxable, usually at 30%.
Student Accounts staff will email international students to obtain information to determine tax liability.
LCSC offers Federal Nursing loans to nursing students through the Financial Aid Office. The nursing loan is funded by LCSC and the Dept. of Health and Human Services. When students receive nursing loan awards they must contact Student Accounts to sign loan papers before the loan can be disbursed. Repayment will be made back to LCSC following a grace period after borrowers are no longer enrolled at least half-time. Please contact Student Accounts for details about repayment questions.
All parking permit forms are to be completed online and students/employees can pay for and pick up their permit at the Public Safety Office lobby in Meriwether Lewis Hall. Permits are $80 for an annual pass, $60 for a semester pass, and $25 for a second vehicle pass.
LCSC has a variety of payment options to help you meet your financial obligations by the fee payment deadline.
Don't stand in line - PAY ON-LINE! You can log in to WarriorWeb and pay with Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express card or Electronic Check to pay fees. Authorization to allow a third party to make payments must be set up using Person Proxy.
You can also still pay with cash, check, money order, and credit card at the Student Accounts Window or mail your check to LCSC Student Accounts, 500 8th Avenue, Lewiston, ID 83501. You can also call the Cashier with your credit card information at (208) 792-2790.
PLEASE NOTE: A non-refundable service fee of 2.5% will be assessed, in addition to the amount you are paying, for ALL credit and debit card payments.
LCSC has contracted with ACI Payments, Inc., a leading provider of electronic payment options for higher education institutions and federal, state, and local government agencies. The service fee is charged by ACI Payments, Inc. to cover operating costs and costs associated with servicing thousands of credit card and electronic check transactions. You will be informed of all fees before you authorize your payment. LCSC has previously absorbed fees associated with the use of credit cards, but can no longer subsidize these costs.
It is the policy of the institution that all tuition, fees, and housing/meal charges are due on the fifth official day of the fall/spring/summer semesters. The institution recognizes that financial emergencies may make it difficult for a student to tender payment in full by the fee payment deadline. Students who have no delinquent accounts with the college, and have not defaulted on any previous financial obligations incurred at the college, are given special consideration and may be permitted to make payment arrangements of fees. All deferred agreements must be evidenced by a signed promissory note.
The standard payment plan requires a 50% down payment at the time the student signs a formal promissory note and will be assessed a $25 administrative service charge. The balance will be due in two equal installments as specified on the promissory note; the first installment approximately 30 days after the semester begins, with the final payment made approximately 60 days after the semester has begun. Students who have delayed financial aid funding should contact Student Accounts about a payment plan before the fee payment deadline to avoid late fees.
International students are eligible for payment plans under special circumstances. As a condition of their student visa, they must provide proof of bank funds, sponsorship, or scholarship sufficient to support their entire course of study prior to enrolling at LCSC. International students with a drastic change of circumstances should contact the International Programs Office immediately to discuss their options.
LCSC participates in the Federal Perkins loan program. The Federal Perkins loan program was funded by LCSC and the U.S. Dept. of Education. The Department of Education made a decision to sunset the program September 30th, 2017. Repayment will be made back to LCSC following a grace period after borrowers are no longer enrolled at least half-time. Please contact Student Accounts for details about repayment questions.
Students who wish to allow a third party to view their bill or make payments must provide specific authorization. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) restricts access to student educational records. Students may grant permission to others to access specified records. This authorization is submitted by the student using the link in Warrior Web. The permission authorized will expire each year on June 30.
Students requesting specific information about their student account or residual funds must present photo ID to protect their privacy.
Parents taking out PLUS loans should contact Student Accounts regarding PLUS loan disbursement. Residual PLUS funds are generally released by paper check to the parent unless advance arrangements are made directly with Student Accounts to have the funds released to the student. Electronic refund to parents is not available at this time.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law prohibiting educational institutions from releasing non-directory information without students’ written consent. If a student wishes to have additional information released, a written notice signed by the student, must be submitted to the College. Additional information regarding the Data Privacy Policy is available on the Registrars' web page.
International students receiving scholarships that apply directly to tuition are not taxed. Scholarships or waivers that apply to tuition and fees are 'qualified' and are not subject to tax.
EMPLOYEES, SPOUSES, DEPENDENTS AND SENIOR CITIZENS - Full-time college employees, spouses of full-time employees, dependents of full-time employees and Idaho senior citizens may be eligible for reduced fees under certain conditions.
Employees, spouses and dependents should contact the Human Resources Office for information.
Senior citizens must be an Idaho resident and at least 60 years of age on or before the first official day of school to qualify for the Senior Citizen rate. Proof of age and Idaho residency must be presented to Student Accounts to have fees reduced.
Please check the educational privilege policy 3.130 for details and limit of credits for fee reduction; summer enrollment differs from fall and spring semesters.
Students who make payment toward their fees and subsequently reduce their enrollment level or withdraw may be eligible to receive a refund. The Refund Policy describes the process and percentage rate of refund in detail.
When students receive more financial aid funding than the amount they owe, a credit is created on the student account. This credit is the extra aid that we call residual funds. Residual funds are used for books, supplies, and other costs to attend college that are not billed by the college. Students who sign up for electronic deposit will receive their Residual Disbursement directly into their bank account. Students who have not signed up for electronic processing will have a paper Residual Check printed. Residual Checks are released by Student Accounts during regular business hours. Photo ID is required to pick up a Residual Check.
A fee of $20.00 will be assessed on checks returned by the bank. A student who presents a check to avoid late fees that subsequently is returned by the bank upon which it is drawn will be assessed late fees as if he or she had failed to submit payment on a timely basis and may have their class schedule canceled.
The use of credit or debit cards will incur a non-refundable service fee of 2.5%. The cost of using a credit or debit card is a cost to the payor. There is no service fee for using electronic checks.
The student bill is called a Student Account Activity & Statement and can be viewed on WarriorWeb under Student Accounts. Paper statements are not mailed. An email will be sent when charges have been posted for each term.
Student account information now provides an easier to read statement, account activity and summary by term. Financial information includes charges for enrollment including tuition, course fees, and housing and meal charges for residence hall students.
Spring fees will be billed approximately December 15. Summer fees are billed on May 1. Fall fees will be billed approximately July 10.
Students should monitor their student account online to confirm the billing looks accurate (resident, non-resident, housing, meals, etc), and make sure the balance is paid in full by the payment deadline to avoid late fees. Students will also see if financial aid has been posted and if a residual check is being processed.
It is the student's responsibility to confirm their fees are paid in full or have a payment plan contract signed, on or before the payment deadline, regardless of the source of payment or funding.
International students are subject to tax on non-qualified scholarships and/or waivers. Scholarships that apply directly to tuition and fees are not subject to tax.
Scholarships and/or waivers that pay housing, meals, or exceed tuition and fees are subject to tax. Documentation provided by the student can reduce withholding tax from 30% to 14%, or in some cases eliminate the tax. This handout provides some examples.
Charges to take classes are based on the Tuition and Fee Schedule set by the Idaho State Board of Education. Fees are subject to change. A breakdown of common fees can be found on the Tuition & Fees web page.
By registering for class(es) at Lewis-Clark State College, students establish a contractual arrangement with the college that may be canceled ONLY through a written request. For procedures on withdrawing please review the information provided by the Registrar's Office.
Should you fail to formally withdraw from your class(es), you may be subject to failing grades on your permanent transcript and you will not be entitled to ANY refund. Federal regulations will have a significant impact for financial aid recipients. Please contact a Student Accounts staff member to determine how this will affect you.