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Student Affairs
- 208-792-2218
- 800-933-5272 (toll free)
- 208-792-2314 (fax)
Mon-Fri, 8:00 - 5:00
The following list describes conduct which detracts from the effectiveness of the college community and which is therefore prohibited and subject to disciplinary sanctions:
Cheating or plagiarism in any form is unacceptable. LC State functions to promote the cognitive and psychosocial development of all students. Therefore, all work submitted by a student must represent one’s own ideas, concepts, and current understanding. Academic dishonesty includes:
i. Cheating - Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. The term “academic exercise” includes all forms of work submitted for credit hours.
ii. Fabrication - Intentional and/or unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or the source of any information in an academic exercise.
iii. Collusion facilitating academic dishonesty – Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty.
iv. Plagiarism - The deliberate adoption or reproduction of ideas or words or statement of another person as one’s own without acknowledgment.
The sanctions imposed for a violation of this section of the code are independent of, and in addition to, any adverse academic evaluation which results from the student’s conduct. The course instructor is responsible for academic evaluation of a student’s work and shall make that evaluation without regard to any disciplinary action which may or may not be taken against a student under the Student Code of Conduct.
i. Idaho law states that it is illegal to sell, serve or furnish beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages or intoxicating liquor to a person under 21 years of age. It is illegal for any person under 21 years of age to purchase or attempt to purchase, procure, possess, or consume any alcoholic or intoxicating liquor. Illegal possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, liquor, or other beverage which is controlled as an alcoholic beverage under Idaho law) is prohibited in college-owned, leased, or operated facilities and on campus grounds.
No social event shall include any form of drinking contest in its activities or promotion.
By Executive Order Number 92-2 of the Governor of Idaho, smoking tobacco or similar substances is not allowed inside any college-owned or operated building. To provide building access which is smoke-free, while still accommodating those who elect to smoke, the campus has established designated smoking areas on the outer parking lots of the campus. Smoking or vaping within the campus grounds, around or in buildings, or anyplace other than a designated smoking area is considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. A map of the designated smoking areas may be found at the following web site:
Possession, manufacture, distribution, use or sale of marijuana, drug narcotics or other controlled substances classified as illegal under Idaho law, except those taken under a doctor’s prescription is prohibited on college-owned or controlled property (as that term is herein and hereafter used, college-owned or controlled property includes student housing owned by or rented through the College), or at any college-sponsored or supervised function (See campus policy on Alcohol and Drug abuse, and rules on sanctions for alcohol and drug abuse;
The willful falsification of official records or documents or the submission of records or documents to the College with knowledge of their falsity is prohibited. Falsification of records or documents includes, but is not limited to, the following: the forging or alteration of, or the knowing use of false or inaccurate registration documents, documents submitted in support of residency determinations, transcripts, fee receipts, identification cards, meal tickets, parking decals, financial aid forms, and ASLCSC forms or documents.
Threats of harm or actual harm to a person’s physical or mental health or safety are prohibited. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to:
Lewd or indecent conduct, as prohibited by city and/or state laws and ordinances which occurred on college-owned or controlled property or while the violator is attending or participating in a college-sponsored event or activity, is prohibited.
Any unauthorized or forcible entry, whether actual or attempted, into any facility or building located on College-owned or controlled property is prohibited.
Members of the college community have the right to lawful freedom of movement on campus; the lawful use of property, facilities or parts of the College; and to lawfully ingress to and egress from the College’s physical facilities. Violations of these rights of the college community with intent by: physically hindering entrance to, exit from, or normal use of any college facility or part thereof; remaining in any college building after being advised by an appropriate delegate of the President that the building is closed for business; interfering, through harassment, with the College’s operation (this may include the use of noise making or amplifying devices); interfering with reasonable use of college driveways, parking lots or sidewalks; disruptively interfering with authorized events on property owned or controlled by the College or in college facilities; or intentionally interfering with College officials and instructors in the lawful conduct of their duties is prohibited.
Disruption of the classroom is prohibited. Each faculty member controls the direction of education in the classroom setting. The educational atmosphere is the heart and purpose of higher education. Students have the obligation to respect the educational rights of others as they seek to maximize their learning. Faculty have the right to utilize whatever methods they deem appropriate to ensure the quality of the educational atmosphere. This includes, but is not limited to, requesting an investigation of disruptive classroom behavior under the Student Code of Conduct. See “Classroom Infractions” section.
Students must obey the reasonable requests of college officials including but not limited to security officers, residence hall administrators and residence hall assistants in the performance of their duties. Students may not provide college officials with false identification or false information while officials are in performance of their duties. Providing false information constitutes a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
Theft or the conversion of college property or the theft or conversion of the property of another, which occurs on college-owned or controlled property is prohibited.
Vandalism (willful or malicious damage, destruction or defacement) of college-owned or controlled property or vandalism of property belonging to others which occurs on college-owned or controlled property or while the violator is attending or participating in a college-sponsored event or activity is prohibited. This also applies to students participating in the college’s home stay program. Preventable accidental damage may also be considered a violations of the Student Code of Conduct on a case by case basis.
Smoking in unauthorized areas, the setting or building of fires upon property owned or controlled by the College without proper authorization, removal or tampering with fire equipment or fire alarm systems on college-owned or controlled property, or failure to vacate college buildings promptly when fire alarms sound is prohibited.
Gambling as prohibited by city and/or state laws and ordinances is prohibited on college-owned or controlled property.
Possession of firearms on college-owned or college-controlled property, except as expressly authorized by Idaho Code, section 18-3309(2), State Board of Education Policy V.L., and Lewis-Clark State College Policy 4.123, is prohibited. The college will provide safe storage of firearms and weapons for students who live in housing managed by the college or other students upon request. Possession of illegal weapons, explosives, chemical, or incendiary devices, except as expressly authorized by law or institutional policy, is prohibited on college-owned or college-controlled property. Students in violation of this provision of the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to college-based disciplinary action and, depending upon the nature of the infraction, may be referred to local law enforcement.
Living organizations, clubs and similarly organized groups are responsible for compliance with college regulations. Upon satisfactory proof that a group encourages, or did not take satisfactory steps to prevent violations of college regulations, that group may be subject to permanent or temporary suspension, loss of recognition or charter, social probation, or other action.
Violation of any United States Federal law, State of Idaho law or City of Lewiston ordinance which occurs on college-owned or controlled property or while the violator is participating or attending a college-sponsored event or activity is in violation of this Code. Additionally, off-campus or non-college related criminal activity is in violation of this Code when it affects a substantial school/college interest as defined above in the Preamble.
A person is in violation of this Code if he or she intentionally aids or abets another in the commission of any offense mentioned in this Code. Abuse of the Student Code, includes but is not limited to:
Acts of Academic Dishonesty are subject to appropriate discipline through the student’s high school, with the exception of those students taking Dual Credit courses on-campus or online. Title IX, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities operated by recipients of federal financial assistance (including sexual harassment and sexual misconduct), applies to all LCSC students and Dual Credit students, wherever they are taking classes. In Title IX-related cases, college officials will coordinate investigative and adjudication processes with high school officials. Other provisions of the Student Code of Conduct apply to Dual Credit students but disciplinary action may be coordinated with the student’s high school.