Substance Abuse Information & Assistance
If you or a friend have questions or concerns about alcohol and/or drug use, abuse or dependency, to schedule a free assessment and/or an appointment, contact the Student Counseling Center, 208-792-2211, SGC Rm 212.
Possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs not only violates LC State policy...it is against the law! There are significant legal sanctions under local, state, and federal law for unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol.
Under Idaho Code of §18-1502 it is illegal for a person under the age of 21 to be in possession of alcoholic beverages.
Federal Penalties for possession of controlled substances include possible imprisonment and fines.
Every year there is a total of over $100 BILLION loss to industry due to substance abuse. Alcohol is the most frequently used and abused drug on the job. Alcohol consumption causes a number of marked changes in behavior.
Low doses significantly impair the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely, increasing the likelihood that the driver will be involved in an accident.
Low to moderate doses of alcohol also increase the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, including spouse and child abuse.
Moderate to high doses of alcohol cause marked impairments in higher mental functions, severely altering a person's ability to learn and remember information.
Very high doses cause respiratory depression and death.
If combined with other depressants of the central nervous system, much lower doses of alcohol will produce the effects just described.
LC State Standards of Conduct Related to Alcohol & Drugs
LC State is dedicated not only to learning and the advancement of knowledge, but also the development of ethically sensitive and responsible persons. The college is committed to maintaining a working and educational environment free of illicit drugs and alcohol. The unlawful possession, use or distribution or illicit drugs and/or alcohol by students or employees while on LC State property or as part of a LC State activity is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, the possession or consumption of alcohol by an individual under the age of 21 and possession or consumption in areas open to and commonly used by the public or leased buildings or grounds. It is illegal to sell, or serve of furnish alcoholic beverages to a person under the age of 21.
LC State Policy
In addition to local, state and federal sanctions, LC State will impose sanctions for violation of the drug/alcohol policy. Students found in violation of these standards of conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, warnings, probation, suspension, expulsion, community service, fines, restitution, administrative fees, special sanctions as appropriate (e.g. required counseling, letters of apology, etc.), and referral for prosecution. An employee (exempt, faculty, classified, temporary, or irregular help) found in violation of these standards of conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action which may include, but is not limited to, warnings, reprimands, suspension, demotion, dismissal and referral for prosecution.
Possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs not only violates LC State policy...it is against the law! There are significant legal sanctions under local, state, and Federal law for unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol.
LC State maintains an ongoing substance abuse prevention program that currently consists of educational, early intervention, enforcement, and environmental strategies in compliance with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) Part 86 mandate to provide an "alcohol and other drug" (AOD) prevention program to the campus community.