Student participants earning the LC Leadership Credential must demonstrate the characteristics and skills of a skilled and trustworthy leader.

The criteria for earning the LC State Leadership Credential focuses on adding value to student’s experiential learning opportunities by allowing students the ability to gain additional skills in four specific areas of leadership: 

  1. Leading Self
  2. Leading Others
  3. Managing Processes
  4. Leading for Legacy

The criteria for earning this credential was developed to echo the mission of LC State where we prepare students to become successful leaders, engaged citizens and lifelong learners.

Students fully earning the LC Leadership Credential will earn a digital badge from SkillStack Idaho.

Tiers for Earning

  • Attend an event tagged with LC Leadership Core 5 times
  • Attend an event tagged with Explore Leadership 10 times
  • Complete 15 hours of community/campus service and the volunteer hours reflection
  • Complete the Tier 1 Credential Reflection 

  • Earn Tier 1: Exploring Leadership
  • Attend an event tagged with Career Readiness 2 times
  • Attend an event tagged Leadership Mini Series 1 time
  • Hold a Campus Leadership Role for one semester (RA/RD, Student Organization/Club Officer, ASLCSC, WEB, Peer Mentor)
  • Complete 30 hours of community/campus service and the volunteer hours reflection
  • Complete the Tier 2 Credential Reflection

  • Earn Tier 2: Leadership Expansion
  • Attend an event tagged with Career Readiness 4 times
  • Attend an event tagged Leadership Mini Series 2 times
  • Hold a Campus Leadership Role for one year (RA/RD, Student Organization/Club Officer, ASLCSC, WEB, Peer Mentor)
  • Complete 45 hours of community/campus service and the volunteer hours reflection
  • Complete the Tier 3 Credential Reflection

Tracking Progress

See what events you have attended and check-in to by logging in to the LC State Do More App.