Distance Student Tutoring
There is no substitute for the collaborative environment of our on-campus service; however, we realize that some students attend LCSC at a distance and are unable to obtain live feedback. As such, the LCSC Writing Center maintains an online presence with the Online Writing Lab (OWL). Through this service, LCSC distance students may email their assignments to be read and commented on by a peer-consultant.
The Writing Center is also doing appointments by Zoom. Please make Zoom appointments 24 hours prior to your desired appointment time.
If you would like to contact a peer consultant, please email us at writingcenter@lcsc.edu. You may ask a specific question about a writing project or send us a draft of an essay or project. We will contact you within 48 hours (Monday - Friday) of receiving your message.
If you are sending a draft of an essay or writing project for feedback, please help us by following these guidelines:
- Tell us what class and instructor the assignment is for
- Give us a brief summary of the assignment and send the assignment instructions
- Tell us what you'd like a peer consultant to help you with (e.g., thesis, organization, evidence, etc.)
- Send us the draft in a common and accessible format (DOC, DOCX, RTF)
- Use proper formatting such as double-spacing, paragraphing, and indentation
Peer consultants will try to return comments on your essay to you within 48 hours of your request (Monday - Friday only). You can expect a peer consultant to devote 30 to 40 minutes to your essay. While the peer consultant may suggest a particular area of your writing to focus on, we encourage you to establish the priorities for the conference. Consultants may use one or more of the following strategies during your conference to help you improve your writing:
- reviewing the assignment
- asking questions
- giving positive reinforcement
- providing feedback
- offering constructive criticism
- demonstrating editing and proofreading techniques
- brainstorming and freewriting
- outlining to check organization
- referring to handbooks
- making suggestions for further revisions
- We won't tell you what to write.
- We won't correct your writing for you.
- We won't criticize the assignment, faculty comments, or grades.
- We won't review your writing without input from you about the assignment and what you want us to focus on.