Complete College America Momentum Pathways Project
In fall 2018, the Idaho State Board of Education was granted a three-year, technical assistance and consulting award for the purpose of fully implementing at scale (statewide), the Complete College America (CCA) Game Changer Strategies. CCA is a national nonprofit organization with the mission to eliminate achievement gaps by providing equity of opportunity for all students to complete college degrees and credentials of purpose and value (CCA website)
The CCA Game Changers have been around for several years. Recently, CCA has determined that rolling out a package of strategies together rather than one game changer at a time showed promising results. Thanks to the hard work of faculty and staff, many of these initiatives are already in progress at LCSC.
CCA game changer strategies include
- Finish on-time: Think 30. Referred to as 15 to Finish by CCA, the focus of Think 30 is to boost the number of students who are on track for on-time graduation by enrolling in 15 credits in fall and spring semesters, or 30 credits including summers. On-time completion means 2 years for an associate’s degree and 4 years for a bachelor’s degree.
- Take the right math class: Math Pathways. Ensure all students complete a credit-bearing, gateway math course in their first year by designing math courses that are aligned with the skills students need for their chosen program of study (Whatismypathway)
- Get math help: Co-requisite Support. Increase completion of gateway Math and English courses within the first year by providing those who need additional help a concurrent course or lab that offers just-in-time academic support. (MathPathways).
- Stay on track: Academic Maps with Proactive Advising. Academic maps default students into a highly structured degree plan that includes 30 credits per year and completion of 6-9 credits in the major or meta-major during the first year. Early guidance and support is provided to students to help them make informed decisions about a major or career based on student interest and labor-market data. (The Advising Center)
- Keep the momentum going: Momentum Year. The Momentum Year encompasses the 4 game changer strategies listed above, and includes support from an academic coach and faculty mentor to help the student stay on track.
- Adults welcome: Better Deal for Returning Adults. An Adult Learner Program focuses on a redesigned system that gives credit for prior experience and learning (Prior Learning Assessment) and provides alternative scheduling to assist adults to complete a college degree. Support to help students stay on track and on-time, and to navigate the system is an integral part of an adult learner program.
To implement the game changer strategies and assist the State Board of Education in meeting its 2025 goal of 60% of Idaho citizens attaining a degree or certificate, President Pemberton appointed a team to develop LCSC’s Institutional Plan [CCA-MPP Institutional Plan]. The plan which spans a two-year time frame, is found here. LCSC Momentum Pathways Plan 2019