Risk Management

Through the Idaho Tort Claims Act (Idaho Code 6-901 through 6-929), the college participates in the State of Idaho's risk and insurance program. Coverage by the State of Idaho includes, general liability, property, auto liability, and Inland Marine, (small property).

We appreciate our volunteers at LC State! 

If you are ready to bring a volunteer on board in your department, these are the guidelines and steps to make it happen: 

Volunteer Guidelines at LC State

Volunteer Services Agreement

Volunteer Waiver

The process may involve multiple departments; Administrative Services (Risk Management), Human Resource Services, and the Public Safety Department. Volunteer duties that include working with minors, driving responsibilities, and access to email or LC State computers may require additional approvals and training prior to the start of volunteer work.

Please contact Administrative Services at 208-792-2240 or email vpfinanceadmin@lcsc.edu if you have any questions about this process. 

See the Purchasing page under Forms for information on agreements and waivers.

Click here to find information on Certificates of Insurance. 

Navigate to Accident or Incident on Campus to report an accident or incident. For accidents or damage to a vehicle, access the Vehicle page. 

Access the Property Coverage page for information on reporting college property loss and small property coverage. 

Effective July 1, 2024, Inland Marine coverage will cover *declared items with a value equal to or less than $5,000. All other property in excess of $5,000 should be valued under Major Property contents or stock and supply, depending on the nature of the item. This change was made to cover the gap in coverage that was created when the deductible for Major Property was increased to $5,000.

Items that can be covered under the optional Inland Marine coverage are small portable items at risk of being stolen or damaged. The agency deductible under Inland Marine is $250.00 per occurrence. Coverage begins on the date the item is entered into Origami and ends on the date the item is removed. 

Following are items not eligible for coverage under the Inland Marine program: 

  • real property (land & buildings)
  • automobiles or any vehicle licensed for the road
  • motorized equipment of any nature (ATVs, motorcycles, riding lawnmowers, golf carts, etc.)
  • consumable items (paper, pencils, ink, chemicals, etc.

*Declared items are items that have been submitted to risk management to be added to Origami, the software that captures all insured assets for LC State. If assets are not listed in Origami, they will not be covered. 


  • Inland Marine insurance is optional, at the discretion of department heads.
  • Insured items will be subject to annual inventory review.
  • There is no cost to LC State to participate in this state provided coverage. 
  • In order to insure items, send the following information to VPFinanceAdmin@lcsc.edu:
    • Department/Division Name
    • Purchase Date
    • Description of Item
    • Serial Number
    • Purchase Price
    • Additional Notes (optional)

Coach courtesy vehicles are used solely for LC State business purposes. In some cases, a coach may opt to sign an agreement for both business and personal use. 

Steps for obtaining a courtesy vehicle: 

  1. Coach completes courtesy vehicle agreement
  2. Coach obtains all required LC State signatures (Coach, Athletic Director, VP for Finance and Admin)
  3. Coach ensures that risk management knows when to add the new vehicle to state fleet insurance (the date it will be picked up)
  4. Coach may now pick up the courtesy vehicle and obtain the dealer's signature on the agreement. 
  5. Coach sends copies of all documents (dealer agreement, LC State agreement, DMV documents if available) to VPFinanceAdmin@lcsc.edu
  6. Coach is responsible to follow all steps in the signed agreement and in the LC State Courtesy Vehicle Policy, 4.106.
  7. Coach will need to use the Fleetio app to log fuel entries, mileage, complete safety inspections, and log maintenance of the vehicle while it is in use by LC State

Any questions related to courtesy vehicles can be sent to VPFinanceAdmin@lcsc.edu or by calling 208-792-2240. 

Notice of Disclaimer

Although significant efforts have been made to ensure that the information and recommendations contained in this website are accurate, since insurance coverage and risk management procedures may change, no warranty or guarantee can be made by the Administrative Services office that all the information herein is current. Please contact our office directly to confirm the current content of this website information.