Additional LC State Scholarships

The following LC State associated scholarships require separate paper applications and may have various deadlines beyond the March 1 Priority Deadline. These scholarships are not part of the Lewis-Clark State College General Scholarship Application.

If you have any scholarship questions, contact the Financial Aid Office at 208-792-2224 or

The ETV Program for Idaho foster youth helps current and former Idaho foster youth continue their post-secondary education by providing monetary assistance. Students could receive up to $5000 per year while attending school.

More information on the ETV Program

Established by the United Steel Workers International Union, Local #712 in honor of Eugene Northrup. This scholarship provides funds to an incoming freshman who is a relative of a member (past or present) of the United Steel Workers International Union. Minimum GPA of 3.0 and full-time enrollment (12 or more credits per semester) is required. A 500-word essay on Unionism of the Labor Movement is required. Open to all majors. Application deadline is April 18.

2025-2026 Eugene Northrup Memorial Scholarship

Established by the Lewis-Clark State College Foundation to assist students in completing their degree at LC State. This scholarship provides funds for Idaho resident students seeking a bachelor's degree within four semesters of graduation from LC State. Must be a current LC State student who is not receiving other merit-based scholarships. Minimum GPA of 3.0 and full-time enrollment (12 or more credits per semester) is required. This $1500 per year scholarship may be renewable for a second year based on maintaining a 3.0 GPA and completion of 12 credits per semester. Application deadline is March 1.

2025-2026 Foundation Retention Scholarship

The Glenda J. Hart Educational Scholarship is sponsored by Latah Credit Union. There are three $2,000 scholarships being offered to provide funds to someone who is a Member of the Credit Union, or related to a Member of the Credit Union (son, daughter, nephew, niece or grandchild). Two scholarships will be for a graduating senior from high school in Latah, Benewah, Kootenai, Boundary, Bonner, Shoshone, Nezperce, and Lewis Counties, while the other scholarship will be for a full-time student enrolled in a 4-year college/university or a 2-year technical/professional program. Minimum GPA of 2.5 and full-time enrollment (12 or more credits per semester) is required. A one page essay describing your educational goals, and another one page essay describing your top five accomplishments over the last four years is required. Two professional recommendations are also required. Application deadline is March 31.

2025-2026 Glenda J. Hart Educational Scholarship Application

Established by the Heitmann Family and the Trinity Lutheran Church in Lewiston, Idaho. This scholarship provides funds for degree seeking students in any major. Minimum GPA of 2.0 and full-time enrollment (12 or more credits per semester) is required. Preference will be given to students who are members of or attend Trinity Lutheran Church. Students must demonstrate financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office. Application deadline is March 1.

2025-2026 Heitmann Family Scholarship

Established by the United Steel Workers International Union, Local #712 in memory of Jimmy Guild. This scholarship provides funds for students pursuing a degree in one of the following areas: Mathematics with an interest in Computer Science or the Technical and Industrial Division. Students must be a relative to a member (past or present) of the United Steel Workers International Union. Preference will be given to a graduate from a local area high school. Minimum GPA of 3.0 and full-time enrollment (12 or more credits per semester) is required. Application deadline is June 30.

2025-2026 Jimmy Guild Memorial Scholarship

LC Work Scholars is a unique program designed to reduce student loan debt. LC Work Scholars (students) graduate with valuable work experience and professional skills in addition to their degree. Tuition scholarships as well as stipends are offered to highly motivated individuals who demonstrate academic success as well as financial need. Additionally, students may earn internship credit for their Work Scholars experience.

More information on LC Work Scholars

Established to assist non-traditional students who have been out of high school for, or a GED date of, at least five years at the time of their initial enrollment for LC State. This scholarship provides funds for new degree-seeking students. Minimum GPA of 3.0 and full-time enrollment (12 or more credits per semester) is required. Current LC State students are not eligible. Students must demonstrate financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office.

Application deadline for fall semester is  March 1. Application deadline for spring semester is December 15.

Fall 2025 Non-Traditional Student Scholarship

Established by Dr. Alan H. Smith who devoted his life developing a deep appreciation and respect for the Native American people of the Northwest. This scholarship provides funds for certificate-seeking and degree-seeking students who are enrolled members (or must show proof of being at least one-quarter blood) of one of the following Plateau Tribes: Nez Perce Tribe, Yakama Indian Nation, Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation, Colville Confederated Tribes, Spokane Tribe, Kalispel Tribe, Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, Coeur d'Alene Tribe and Confederated Tribes of Salish-Kootenai. Enrolled members of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation will be considered on an individual basis by the scholarship committee. Minimum GPA of 2.5 for LC State students and 2.75 for incoming high school students and full-time enrollment (12 or more credits per semester) is required. Students must demonstrate financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office. Application deadline is March 1.

2025-2026 Plateau Native American Trust Scholarship

Established by the Roy and Leona Nelson Foundation to assist students from Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. This scholarship provides funds for students who graduated from a high school in Eastern Washington (east of the Cascade Mountains) or North Idaho (north of Riggins). Minimum GPA of 3.0 and full-time enrollment (12 or more credits per semester) is required. Open to all majors. Application deadline is March 1.

2025-2026 Roy and Leona Nelson Foundation Scholarship

Established in 2022 by Independent School District No. 1 and Lewis-Clark State College. This scholarship provides $2,500 each of the last two semesters of any student seeking a bachelor's degree in elementary or secondary education. A declared major in elementary or secondary education, a minimum GPA of 3.0, full-time enrollment (12 or more credits per semester) and provisional admission to LC State's Teacher Education Program are required. Applicants must be in the 3rd year of their program and be willing to work for Independent School District No. 1 upon completion of their program. Deadline for Fall semester is March 21.

2025-2026 Teach for Lewiston Scholarship

This Non-traditional scholarship is being offered by the TLC Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Orofino, Idaho. Focused on giving back to the communities that have provided for them, the TLC Foundation is offering a one-time, $1000 scholarship to one non-traditional student who resides in Clearwater County, Idaho or its surrounding area. Must meet their definition of a non-traditional student. There are 3 short essay questions. A minimum of one reference is required. The application deadline is May 1.

TLC Foundation Non-Traditional Scholarship