The 26th annual Lewis-Clark State College Native American Awareness Week (NAAW) will be held on the LCSC campus March 11 - 15. The theme is "Knowledge Through Stories." All events are free…
Students in the Lewis-Clark State College Business Division are offering free assistance to help residents of the Lewiston-Clarkston area with 2012 tax returns. The college has been offering…
The Lewis-Clark Service Corps AmeriCorps program at Lewis-Clark State College is accepting applications from organizations to serve as a host agency for a Service Corps AmeriCorps member. Ame…
The Lewis-Clark State College Humanities Division is bringing John Trudell, a Santee Sioux poet, musician, and activist, to campus March 25-26 and 29 as part of the Visiting Artist/Scholar pro…
For the third consecutive year Lewis-Clark State College has been selected for the President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. The Corporation for National and Community Servic…
Rayna DuBose, a Virginia Tech Division I basketball player who suddenly contracted meningitis, will present her story "Winning the Game of Life" at Lewis-Clark State College Wednesday, March 2…
Presale is under way for t-shirts for the 29th Annual Dogwood Festival. Shirts are just $10 until April 1. The design for this year's shirt was created by Tracy Randall, a graphic designer w…
The Center for Arts & History at Lewis-Clark State College has announced an award of $3,000 from the Idaho Humanities Council for the making of a short film by Patricia Keith about Lewiston's…
Another Spring Semester enrollment record has been set at Lewis-Clark State College, as enrollment reached 4387, compared to last year’s record setting Spring Semester enrollment of 4269."Our…
Dr. Carmen Simone, Lewis-Clark State College Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, has been appointed president of Trinidad State Junior College (TSJC) in Trinidad, Colorado. She…