Lewis-Clark State College is committed to maintaining a quality educational environment in which students can learn and begin to reach their potential. To maintain a quality environment, campus officials are also committed to complying with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. This page includes a summary of legal and regulatory compliance efforts for which campus personnel are accountable. It also includes information about reporting cases of alleged unethical behavior or other misconduct.
Compliance Program Policy: Section V. Financial Affairs Subsection H.
Lewis-Clark State College has formed a Compliance Committee to review decisions relating to noncompliance of laws, regulations and policies, and internal audit reports. The Compliance Officer serves as chair of the committee.
Andy Hanson, Vice President for Student Affairs/Compliance Officer, ext. 2218
Dustin Guenthner, Public Safety Director and Title IX Coordinator, ext. 2226
Brent Booth, Faculty Representative, ext. 2910
Vikki Swift-Raymond, Human Resource Services Director ext. 2269
Laura Hughes, Assistant Dean of Student Financial Services, ext. 2224
Jack DeWenter, Assistant Controller, ext. 2336
Kalene Eilers, Classified Staff Representative, ext. 2220
Ronnie Palmer, Athletic Director ext. 2863